Carnophobia || Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine
-Plan Jealously-

Matt stood there frozen to the ground not quite over what had just happened, he could still taste Nate on his lips. Slowly he began walking to his next class not caring if he was late, he needed to piece his thoughts together about what had happened.

He strolled into class at fifteen minutes late, the music teacher frowned slightly but didn't question the theorist as he took his seat on the table with Kayla, Jason and Stephanie. The three smirked at the sight of him. He was late and Matt was hardly ever late but since Nate had joined the school he seemed to care more about spending time with the ebony then getting to class on time.

❝Ya've been wit Nate.❞
❝What makes you think that Kay?❞ Matt asked careful how he worded it.
❝You're beaming like an idiot that's why!❞ Jason smirked, Stephanie elbowed Matt her smirk wider than Jason's.

The theorist rolled his eyes at his three friends who all had giant smirks on their faces, especially Kayla who looked at her phone which had flashed with a text, the smirk widened as she showed Stephanie who chuckled and whispered something to Jason purposely leaving Matt out the loop as their conversation was about him.

❝Anyway you got any plans for Friday besides the party,❞ Matt asked speedily changing the subject.
❝Hanging oot wit ya bastarts all day.❞
Jason laughed at Kayla's statement they'd all given up on trying to understand her, she changed accents so much but there was usually always a slice of Scottish slang in her speech.

❝Oh Kay did you make sure you invited everyone this time?❞ Stephanie questioned the redhead who grinned and nodded cheekily.

The whole music lesson was spent with random chatter about everything and everyone, the group mostly speaking about Kayla's 'issue' and how Matt had a thing for boys which the male had long since given up on denying and just let them say whatever they wanted.

Just before the class ended Matt realised his next class was with Nate and Jason including Kayla's 'issue' Avery, would it be awkward after what happened on the roof? What happened if he hadn't been a good kisser? Why does this even matter?

❝Matt ya're grinning like a numpty wit happened?❞ the redhead grinned knowing that the blond was thinking about something his mind clicking away.

❝I... I may have k-kissed N-N-Nate,❞ He stuttered admitting it and looking at the redhead who had a huge grin on her face, she wasn't use to seeing the male so nervous and it was rather assuming seeing as the theorist stutter and stumble at any mention of Nate.
❝YA NIPPED NATE!❞ Kayla screeched grabbing Matt by the shoulders shaking the male over excited.

Stephanie and Jason understood what Kayla's screaming meant and immediately jumped Matt, the brunette female threw herself at the male giggling like an idiot completely over the top while Jason teased Matt.

❝I've got to stop telling you guys things like this...❞

Despite his comment it didn't stop his friends teasing him and poking at him making Kayla almost feel bad about their little plan however it should push things further.

Eventually, the class ended and the teasing had to be cut short from Stephanie and Kayla who both had separate classes to attend and left while Matt went with Jason to their Maths class, Nate had already been assigned a seat when they walked in luckily it was the one next to Jason however it was also next to the black haired chick who appeared to be friends with Kayla, a smirk was on her face and she lent over and started talking to Nate. The ebony kept up conversation with her until he noticed Matt and Jason he said something they couldn't hear to the female and spun himself around to talk to them.

❝Matt! Jason!❞ Nate's face lit up seeing his friends, he looked at Matt and a light blush brushed across his cheeks. Jason smirked watching the two he lent back in his chair allowing the two to talk over him as he glanced at the black haired female, a glint in his eyes as he knew the plan that Kayla was putting action, he couldn't help but feel guilty but it was for Matt's own good. The black haired female returned the male's glance with a smirk and a twinkle in her eyes, she knew the plan she looked towards Avery and nodded.

❝Nate, you have to write with a pencil in math.❞ The female lent over and placed a pencil on his desk, Nate smiled and took the girls pencil and looked down at the sheet he'd been given, none of it made sense to him but his mind was in a drift after what had happened on the roof, Matt had taken over his thoughts but he couldn't tell the theorists that, the girl who had introduced herself as Shannon was eager to help it was making Matt jealous however the brunet took it as a sign of friendship and let her help, Jason with one look at Matt knew everything was going to plan.

Jason: Steph tell Kay everything is according to plan Shannon is doing a great job I've never seen Matt so quiet, he's sending her daggers XD

Stephanie: Perfect Kayla just got sent out of the class so I'll tell her when she's allowed back in. Good luck calming Matt down xx

He sniggered to himself and quickly hid his phone as the teacher started parading the classroom.

Shannon knew everything was going well and sent Avery a small smirk, she decided to make a bold move which could ruin everything however she knew it was the worth the risk if she pulled it off,
❝You're pretty cute are you seeing anyone?❞

The blond overheard the questioned and sighed usually the male was all smiling and bubbly but his mind was filled of images of the ebony and the female dating and he lay his head in his arms waiting to see what Nate would reply.

❝Um... I don't have anyone like the school couples if that's what you mean but there is a person I wouldn't mind being like that with.❞

'It's definitely Matt' Shannon thought, the female grinned luckily the carnophobic didn't understand so much or this could have went badly.

❝Oh really maybe you should tell them.❞

The ebony replied by simply shaking his head and sighing heavily he found himself looking at the theorist seeing the way he was sitting he felt his heart race, the blond seemed to be murmuring to himself.

He couldn't comprehend what was going on, his heart was racing as he watched the theorist he placed a finger to his lips hoping nobody was watching, he could still feel the male on his lips.

This was driving both male's insane they were the same, the same feelings despite the fear Nate had of Matt knowing he wanted to spend all his time with the male and that morning had just confirmed that. When he was away to say something the bell rang and Matt grabbed his things and left the class leaving Nate behind.

Jason looked at Shannon and sighed maybe the plan was working too well.

The brunet got out the class and just as he stepped out he felt a few arms grab him and drag him, he was powerless he couldn't fight it.

Matt had left without looking back he felt his heart pounding, he had no chance but that didn't mean he was doing to give up no matter how cliché it was.

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