Carnophobia || Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter thirteen
-Siblings and feelings-

Slowly the time passed leaving Nate curious as to what Matt had been speaking about at lunch, his stomach flipped over making him feel nauseous even just thinking about it. He bit his lip and grabbed his backpack which surprisingly he didn't use a lot and got to his feet, pushing the chair in after regaining his posture he left his final class much later than all the other students.

The ebony headed to the gate, Matt wasn't there waiting for him but maybe he had somewhere to go or something to do. He took a big gulp of air and made his way for the hill being careful to stay hidden and out of sight.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead finally reaching the top of the hill, his home stood a few steps in front of him a heavy sigh escaped his lips as he came to terms with his reality, it didn't feel real though like one day he'd wake up and everything will have just been a dream
Or maybe he was just dead, maybe he'd never been alive this all wasn't real, it was just him not accepting death maybe that was his reality.

❝Nathan,❞ a voice called as the 'cannibal' opened the door to his home, he was greeted by his mother standing in the hallway a blood coated knife in one hand, blood dripping down her chin her skin peeling away relieving more bones that usual.

The ebony glared at her a threatening look in his eyes, he didn't say a word to her. Nate pushed past her as if he didn't have a care in the world.

The woman glared at her son who slumped up to his room not quite with the spring he had the other day, however still happy enough to make his mother frown.

Morgan knocked on his bedroom door a giant smile on her face as her brother opened the door and the younger sibling embraced her brother in a hug giggling softly. He pat her back, the ghost of a smile on his lips.

Matt was sitting on his coach at his house staring at his phone feeling like a douche for leaving Nate to go home himself however he'd been annoyed since lunch, he knew he should have explained to the ebony about Mark but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Instead he stared at the device allowing guilt to eat away at him, it started buzzing making him jump he checked it seeing the photo of a red haired female giving the camera the middle finger he chuckled swiping at the screen answering the call he put the phone to his ear.

❝Mattyboy wit the fook happened?❞ The redhead yelled down the phone her accent ever changing.

❝I don't know what you're talking about Kay,❞ He lied gritting his teeth looking down although he could feel her disapproving eyes glaring at him.

❝Yer full of shit, ya know dat? Wit Mark ya fool, ya confused Nate who thinks yer aff yer heed.❞

The theorist shook his head and let out a long puff of air,
❝I told him about the cannibals, he probably thinks I'm a baby.❞

Kayla's laughter echoed through Matt's brain as it came down the phone,
❝Ya div, yer aff yer heed, Nate doesn't think yer a baby so shut yer mouth lad.❞

A small laugh escaped his lips as he listened the redhead keep talking, a smile formed on his face.

❝You're right for once Kay.❞

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