Carnophobia || Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four
-I'm no good for you-

Morgan dropped her pan to the floor with a huge clunk and rubbed her wrists wincing slightly but the black haired cannibal looked up at Jack with a small smile on her face, she lived through so many things a ten year old shouldn't have to and now she only wanted to help her brother,
❝Brother was downstairs when I last saw him.❞
The Irish male scooped back the younger girl and balanced her on his back and ran as fast as he could out the room, limping because of the stab wound in his leg and the vomit sticking his legs together.
Morgan started to tear up blaming herself for everything that happened.
❝Morgan your brother will be alright, I promise you,❞ The male told her gently although truthfully he had no clue what was going to happen to them next, he wanted to save Matt and Nate, he had too he'd already lost Shannon and Mark.

Jack searched as they walked trying to find a suitable weapon, despite not wanting to hurt Nate he needed some form of defence especially if his family chose to try and attack him which seemed likely, the Irish male swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat and took a few steps forward his heart racing with fear.


Matt groaned in pain and cocked his head until he could feel the bite marks on his neck, he glared at the ebony for a second but his eyes softened when he saw the cannibal shaking as if he couldn't believe what he'd just done,
❝No! No! It was bad enough I killed Shannon and Mark now I've hurt Matt!❞
He slapped himself across the face leaving a red hand mark,
No that's good, you're doing what you're suppose to.
Matt struggled against the ties wanting to run and hug Nate at least attempt to comfort him, only his attempts were to no avail, he sighed heavily and instead tried to comfort the cannibal with his words,
❝Nate listen to me, what you're doing isn't good I want to help you but you need to let me.❞

The ebony took a few steps closer to the theorist but quickly retraced as the door creaked open and standing in the hallway was his mother, a dismembered arm swung over her shoulder.
Nathan, She gently stroked her son's face in her hands, forcing him too look directly at the beast he called his parent,
You're doing me so proud my son, you're victims were beautifully killed my child.
He almost recoiled from her touch, he was at war with himself, his cannibal side and the side that wished to be human,
Mother I'm glad to make you proud.
The cannibal mother looked straight at Matt and a small demonic smirk spread across her face as she examined the boy,
Nathan, he's definitely something else, the son of one of our most delicious victims, actually his father was killed only moments before you were born.
The blond stared at the woman, trying to at least appear intimidating but he was failing miserably and the cannibal just laughed taking her hand under his chin forcing him to look at her, Nate took a step forward in defence.
Nathan is he maybe more than just a mere victim to you?

He's nothing
Nathan trust me he doesn't even care about you
He wants you dead
Just kill him or let your mother kill him.

The ebony took a deep breath before saying words he never thought would exit his lips,
He means nothing to me. 
Matt knew that Nate wasn't himself but the words still stung, his heart began to hurt and he tried to hide the tears forming in his eyes,
I'll be back later Nathan.


The cannibal mother swiftly made her way up the stairs cackling to herself, all her hard work had paid off and all it had taken was one boy however he could undo everything she's done, she needed Nate to kill him but at the same time she wanted him to suffer.

Everything is according to plan, Nate will finally be the son I've always wanted him to be.

She licked the blood from a earlier victim off her hand and smirked at herself in the mirror, it had taken a few years but it was worth it everything that had happened that day had been proof of it. She was proud.


❝Nate, you didn't mean what you said did you?❞ Matt asked worriedly, he didn't want Nate to mean what he said, he didn't know if he could deal with it, darkness was swirling through his head, he felt like he couldn't breath and his heart felt empty like something was missing. Tears threatened to pool from his eyes but he willed them back and curled his hands into fists digging his nails into his skin.
The cannibal noted all of the theorists movements but not a word passed his lips as he slowly approached the blond who was defenceless, his heart raced as he looked up at the ebony who calmly took a breath and nuzzled his head into Matt's neck and gently bit into his skin drawing blood and making the theorist yelp in pain.

He licked the blood from the blond's neck as it slowly ran down his front, he felt Nate's teeth move and his wet tongue lick the liquid but after doing so he looked the theorist directly in the eyes but there was no signs of humanity in his eyes, there was only dark gleams as he licked the remainder of Matt's blood from his lips, he didn't show any emotion through any of his actions and slowly a smirk formed on his lips.

Deep down he knew he didn't want to hurt Matt and there was a small part of him still fighting against the monster whom was the host of his body at the moment there was a glimmer of the carnophobic dorky male that the theorist had met on his first day. He wanted to free Matt, he didn't want Matt to be in the position he was in but there was nothing he could now apart from fight himself but nothing seemed to working and slowly Nate could feel himself slipping away, the world was fuzzy and everything was hard to hear.

❝Nate... please stop,❞ The theorist whimpered in pain against the cannibal, he wanted to help Nate but at the moment all he could feel was pain as he watched the ebony, everything about him was beautiful, the way he moved, the way he spoke even his posture and it was tearing Matt apart.

I'm no good for you, this heart ain't built for two,❞ The ebony caressed Matt's face softly and gently he pressed his lips against the theorist with a burning lust and passion and the blond couldn't help but unwillingly kiss back, he uncurled his hands from the fists he'd perviously formed and leaned forward as far as his restraints would allow him too, he felt his heart race with the danger and strangeness of the moment, it was almost like he had Nate back and he revelled in it.

Nate hadn't intended on kissing the male but he hasn't been able to control himself, he slowly felt his heart race faster than before and the colour of the world was coming back but he quickly pulled away and everything went back to black and white apart from the blood stains on the ground which were vibrant in colour and almost made him smile.
Matt gave the male a confused glance, surprise visible on his face, then Nate said the words that would not only break Matt's heart but his own.

Matt, you mean literally nothing to me.❞

Omfk your comments on the last chapter made me smile so much, I'm grateful for all of you, sorry if I don't always reply to your comment just know I appreciate and love everything single one of you and no I'm not just saying that
Stay awesome
Love you

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