Carnophobia || Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen
-The true darkness-

The problem with the bad side is that in fairy tales they always lose are always humiliated or die some horrible painful death simply because of a unbelievable stroke of luck or magic which was used because the plot demanded it, only Nate knew he wasn't living in some fairy tale and for the first time he felt like the author of his own story.

His smirk was dark and his eyes showed scraps of humanity other than that he was completely lost, the cannibal side had him captured, the sweet, funny and slightly idiotic carnophobic he'd lived as for years was almost gone.

Nate finally decided to express his dark side, the side fate has toyed with for years. He finally felt alive like he'd been missing part of him for years.

Images of his past days with Matt made him sneer and the male he'd been.

❝Now this is the end.❞

He cracked his fingers one by one his expressing turning darker and more twisted by the sound of his bones popping.


❝Mattyboy, whit's going on dunna lie tae me,❞ The Scot asked as gently as she could with an arm wrapped around the theorist, the redhead wouldn't want to admit it but she was afraid about what could happen to Mark, Jack and Shannon.

Matt didn't say a word to Kayla his mind was breaking slowly, he couldn't control his fear - fear of Nate getting hurt, the ebony was too much of an idiot to hurt anyone ever mind eat them why had he called him a monster... He'd speak out of fear anyone could understand that.

I have no use for you Matthew Patrick
You're pathetic however you helped me a lot
You're cliché and cheesy

You have no hope against what's coming next.


Blood splattered the walls of Nate's room as he trailed his mother's newest victim up the stairs and started feasting on their intestines. It still made his stomach turn and he immediately wanted to throw it back up however he did to practice the perfect way to eat a body, Matt had to have the best treatment after his timely death.

A smirk was prematurely plastered to his face. He now knew the monster inside him was making an appearance, the monster he'd been born to be, the one he had wished to forget about.

He licked the blood smeared across his lips and let out a blissful sigh, he cracked his knuckles and bared his sharpened teeth.

Expressing his cannibalism was beginning to make everything about his life seem so clear.

Blurriness had always controlled his life and fear had been his best friend for years, he'd grown accustom to it.

❝Lets have some fun shall we Matthew Patrick,❞ He paused letting out a cackle,
❝How far will you go to save someone you care about.❞ 

The cannibal had a glint in his eye and reported down stairs his steps heavy and quick, he began informing his siblings of the feast which was about to come.


❝I can't believe he did a runner,❞ Mark raised his voice slightly frowning at his two friends, he was hugging Jack close to his chest and as if protecting his boyfriend from some unseen threat.

Carnophobia || Natepat fanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora