Carnophobia || Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen
-Liquid Lunch-

Kayla pulled out a bottle of vodka unscrewing the cap she took a swig before screwing it again and placing it on the table setting everything up for the night with her friends.

She picked her phone seeing a text from Nate saying he was just giving his sister a bath and he'd be there soon, she smirked remembering Matt's plan.

Morgan sat in the bath splashing the water feeling odd, she wasn't use to not being caked in blood. Nate shampooed his sister's hair gently combing it with his fingers. The black haired female stayed silent which immediately made Nate worried she was usually so full of life, he'd left her alone with their mother while he went to school had she said something to her? Maybe.

❝Morgan, what's wrong?❞ The ebony asked concern laced in his voice however she never answered him instead she closed her eyes and leaned back into the bubbles. The 'cannibal' couldn't deny for a five year old she'd been taught a lot and been through a lot, if she didn't want to tell him something chances are high that she wouldn't.

He washed out the shampoo and picked her up wrapping a towel around his younger sibling throwing her over his shoulder making Morgan giggle.

Matt was scared.
He was looking through his wardrobe looking for something to wear that wouldn't make Nate thing he didn't care, he took a swig from the bottle of diet coke he had on his bedside table. He chose to practice what he was going to say to the ebony who'd captured his heart.

He pretended the wardrobe was Nate and started talking to it,
❝Nathan Sharp, you and I have only been friends for a short amount of time but you've made me feel happier than I've ever been... No! That's not it.❞ He sighed and hut the door with enough force to hurt his own hand, he grabbed it and let out a small groan of pain.
❝Alright focus focus... Nate baby you look so damn hot tonight... oh god no,❞ He started laughing he looked at himself in the mirror and sighed,
❝This is going to be harder than I thought, I'm going to need help.❞

The theorist fished out his phone scrolling through the names until he came across the one he needed; Stephanie

With a deep breath he clicked the call button and held the phone to his ear, his breath jumping slightly as the sound of the ringing entered his ears, he waited for her to answer and soon she picked up with her usual bouncy, happy voice.

❝Matt you don't usually call me before we go to Kay's what's up?❞ The brunette asked.
❝I need your advice and help with something can you come over and not mention it to Jason because he might laugh at me about it.❞
He heard Stephanie snigger slightly but she agreed to it, hanging up the call and immediately heading over to the theorist's to assist him.

❝I think you'll like Matt and there is no doubt you'll like Kay,❞ The carnophobic told his sister as they snuck down the hill like they'd done many times before this, Nate had gently told Morgan how to act around his friends.

The black haired cannibal nodded smiling looking at her brother a shine of admiration in her eyes as she took his hand a skip in her walk, she felt oddly clean her body used to be bathed in blood, flesh stuck in her teeth the smell of fresh blood on her breath but all of these had been replaced by something more 'normal'.

The ebony found the house from the directions Kayla had texted him trying to make it easier for the male, he knocked on the door with a soft rap.

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