Carnophobia || Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

❝We must be the first ones here,❞ Matt laughed as they reached the roof and a blanket with a plate of pizza and cookies. Nate looked at the spread and couldn't stop the smile spreading on his face.

❝Well all the more food for the two of us I guess?❞ Nate said with a suggesting tone and cocked his head towards the food. Matt getting the hint sat down and pat across the blanket for the carnophobic to sit down. Nate sat down and pushed his glasses further up his nose allowing him to see more clearly.

The theorist smirked slightly and pulled the plate of pizza away from the carnophobic, a bottle of diet coke sat to the left of the boy. He pressed the bottle to his lips drinking the liquid while Nate just sat watching and looking at the food curiously.

❝Nate don't stare eat,❞ The male smirked keeping the plate away from the carnophobic who shrugged his shoulders and slumped backwards, falling as he did so. The wall supported him so he didn't completely collapse.

Matt rolled his eyes and put the plate of food back down his eyes finding their way to Nate's stomach and he was basically just bones.

❝Eat... Don't make me feed you,❞ The theorist pushed the plate of food closer to Nate, who slowly but surely picked up a slice of the pizza and bit into a look of pleasure twisted his face, a soft grin played on his lips. The blond felt his heart race slightly at the happiness of his friend.

Meanwhile Stephanie, Jason and Kayla were watching from the other side of the roof a smirk stretching across their lips.
❝Matt seems to be enjoying himself.❞

The carnophobic finished eating and looked across at his friend who was smiling and chewing away at his pizza. He picked up the bottle of diet coke to take a drink before putting it back down and looking at Matt as if asking for permission causing his friend to laugh.

❝You don't have to wait for permission, I don't own you, you're welcome to do whatever you wish.❞

Growing up Nate had always been told what to do, to slaughter humans and to eat their flesh but he had broken those roles and had instead befriended this 'prey' he fit into human life more than cannibal life.

❝Whatever I wish.❞

The male took a swig of Matt's diet coke, it wasn't the best however being the first fizzy drink he'd ever had, he couldn't say he didn't like it. Burps flooded past his lips he punched himself in the stomach in an attempt to stop.

❝Why fart and waste it when you can burp it and taste it,❞ The theorist laughed but stopped when he saw the brunet punching himself and quickly grabbed the male's fist stopping him.

❝Nate... What were you taught growing up?❞ The male whispered to himself. He wrapped his arms around the 'cannibal' and hugged him close to his chest.

❝Matt...thank you,❞ Nate whispered softly into his friend's chest. The other male kept him held close with his free hand he picked up a slice of pizza and pushed Nate's face away from his chest giving him the pizza, the pizza coated in cheese.

❝I don't know your childhood went but I promise I'll be the best friend you've ever had and I won't let anyone hurt you, I'll teach you the things weren't taught, if you want me to?❞ Matt offered with a grin.

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