Carnophobia || Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three
-We're a Freak Show-

Matt struggled against his restraints looking the ebony in the eyes a pleading glint in his eyes, his lips were pressed tightly together afraid to even breathe, the cannibal sneered at him enjoying the pitiful sight. His smirk held no sympathy and his eyes showed no signs of humanity, he leaned towards Matt swaying on his feet slightly, his lips were chapped and split,
Don't tease me with that look~
The theorist didn't pull his eyes away, afraid of showing weakness in front of Nate.
The ebony gently caressed Matt's face with a soft glint his eyes making the blond gulp heavily,
❝Nathan stop.❞
I love it when you use my full name.
He'd completely changed and Matt gripped onto the sides of his chair as a mean of defence which made the cannibal chuckle,
You're really oblivious, I use to be like that.
The ebony stared off as if reliving a memory, a soft smile played on his lips.
❝Yeah... I miss that you,❞ The theorist whispered to himself but Nate didn't seem to hear and if he did he didn't react to it.

NATE WHAT ARE WE DOING WITH THE BODIES! One of his siblings yelled bursting into the room and seeing Nate with his hand under Matt's chin, he quickly moved his hand away and turned to face his sibling a demonic grin plastered to his face,
Why you can eat them but take them up to mother, she'll prepare them.
The younger cannibal jumped up straggling the two bodies over their back with no problem and got out of there as quickly as possible but not without yelling,

The cannibal turned to face his victim putting his hand under his chin, forcing the male to look him in the eyes,
He doesn't know the half of it.
The theorist steadied his body which had began shaking from fear and the closeness of his ex-friend.
I still care about you Matt, do you still believe that?
He gathered all the courage that he could and spoke attempting to forge confidence,
❝Of course I don't believe that, you're a monster, I want you dead!❞
But he was lying, he desperately wanted to believe there was still hope but he couldn't deny the fact Nate had killed someone.
I figured as much, He mumbled almost sadly. Had he really expected Matt to forgive him after he'd killed two people, clearly he had.


The Irish male woke up to a sharp slap across the face and was face to face with a younger cannibal, his skin was rotten and yellow, his lips ripped back to reveal his sharp deadly teeth with blood coating them, Jack tried to crawl away but he could not move something had him held in place tightly. The cannibal grinned darkly,
Brother Nate told us not to kill you consider yourself lucky Seán, if it was up to the rest of us you'd be dead.
He didn't feel lucky, he felt everything but lucky, he was alone, scared and dead inside, his heart hurt and every breath hurt to take.

Lying a few centimetres away from him was Mark's dead body, the bluenette's hair was covering his face but his neck, his slit neck was visible the wound was hidden under all the dry blood making the green haired male shudder at the sight.

But he did tell us we could whatever else we wished so, I brought the corpse of your departed boyfriend, I'm so sorry, He bitterly taunted laughing as he dove his hand into the male's chest ripping the flesh open and he felt around the intestines of Jack's boyfriend.

The male vomited all over himself and the ground, the stench crawling up his nostrils making him gag he watched the cannibal shove his face into Mark's chest pulling his face back up with his large intestine hanging from his mouth dripping with blood. Jack didn't care about the vomit on his lap making him shuffle uncomfortably but he cried out, tears streaming down his face,
The cannibal looked up from the body and just grinned evilly no sympathy on his face.


Nate had his teeth bared and he pulled down Matt's t-shirt revealing his collarbone, he edged his face close to the male's soft skin ready to bite into his skin and rip it away, ready to hear his loud screams of pain but something stopped him the cannibal stopped closing his mouth hiding his teeth from view. He couldn't do it something was stopping him, he tried again but something inside of him caused him pain, cannibals weren't supposed to feel pain. He swallowed thickly and nuzzled his face into Matt's neck before quickly moving away, his breathing heavy and fearful.

❝Matt I'm scared,❞ The ebony called out general fear laced in his voice and the theorist's expression softened as he saw the fear Nate showed, maybe he wasn't too late.
❝Nate, you're alright I'm here, I'm not going to hurt you,❞ Matt replied softly but the cannibal recoiled away from the theorist there was a flash in his eyes and he laughed,
How pathetic, I can't even control myself.
❝Nate snap out of it, yes you killed someone you'll never get past it but... but I'll help you... Nate please,❞ Matt begged.

❝I'm a monster you said so yourself, Matt save me, I'm too far gone.


Mark's body had been devoured and the cannibal rested on the floor his head in a pile of blood a small smirk on his face as he watched the male sitting in the chair, Jack shut his eyes as if seeing nothing would blank out everything, make Mark be alive again.

Pain, the pain of having someone you love dead is unbelievable, Jack wanted to be in Mark's embrace again to feel his boyfriends soft lips pressed against his own, to at the very least just sit and listen to his voice.

my brothers pretty cool, I mean he use to be an idiot, he refused to eat meat and didn't eat like at all but now thanks to our mothers gift he's one of us, The cannibal mumbled half asleep unsure of what he was saying, Jack listened into the younger cannibal lying on the floor but one thing caught his attention, their mothers gift.

❝You're mother has a gift?❞ The Irish male questioned unable to contain himself.
The younger cannibal stretched and leaned his body sideways making himself more comfortable over the remains of Mark's body, which made Jack flinch.

Yeah, she can talk to us in our heads and normal humans too, it's weird but helpful. Thanks to our gift she helped Nate out, that's what she told us, He grinned proudly and Jack immediately began to think deeper into the so called 'gift' and everything that happened became a lot clearer than it had been an hour ago.

Nate wasn't a monster at all.


The cannibal was knocked out and standing behind him shuffling nervously was Nate's younger sister Morgan holding a pan almost as big as her, she smiled softly,
❝I want to help my brother!❞
She ran over and attempted to untie the Irish male.

❝We have to help your brother and quick, he's not a monster but he could kill Matt!❞


You're a monster Nathan
Don't forget that
I've spent to long trying to get to realise that to have some stupid boy ruin it
He'll leave you Nathan
But I'm family
Family never leaves

He wants you dead
You're a monster

He shuddered at the words that echoed in his mind and the ebony ran his hands through his hair panicking.

❝Nate, I want to help you, I want to save you,❞ Matt tried to free himself from his restraints.

The cannibal despite the thoughts in his head rested his head on the theorists shoulder,
❝I'm scared, I don't want to be a monster.❞

He bit into Matt's soft skin not breaking the skin but leaving teeth marks on his shoulder,
I'm a freak show.

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