Sally will freak!!

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''MARK UPLOADED!'' Sally yelled. 


''Oh....Sorry Mya.. I just got happy.'' She said in a forgiving way.

''Clearly.'' You mumbled so she didn't hear.

Once she started the video she put it on full blast and she didn't have headphones. We both forgot about the AUX cord plugged into her phone. Again, on full blast. She started the video and you thought your ears would bleed. 


She instantly paused it and unplugged it.

''Oops..'' she said quietly.

At this point you knew your left side neighbors heard because them go ''PLAY THAT VIDEO LOUD ENOUGH?!?!'' as he said bursting laughing.

''SORRY!'' You chuckled.

''I think I'm going to watch this at home...'' Sally said guilty-like.

''Okay well.. Thank you so much for helping me and we both forgot it was an accident.''

''Yeah... I guess. Call me if you need anything... Please.''

Sally lives across L.A from where I live. I would've moved closer to her but this was all I could find that was nice but affordable. You decide to apologize to your neighbor in person. You lived on the last room on the 2nd floor, so you only had one neighbor.

You walk out of your 'house' and walked to room '29. 'Okay these are  your neighbors so make a good impression.'


~Mark's P.O.V~


Ugh, knocking? Why? I'm on the phone with Wade. 

''Ooo, your girlfriend over?''


I open the door and see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. My jaw drops. Shes wearing black tights with combat boots and black high-wasted black sailor shorts. Shes also wearing a GG102M sweater. What ever that is.

A/N GG102M is her youtube channel name kay

~Mya's P.O.V~

He looks familiar but I can't pinpoint it. His jaw slightly dropped when he opened the door. He keeps looking at my sweater. I'm wearing my own merch haha. 

''I came over to apologize.'' I had to start the conversation. I think he forgot that he was staring at me.

''Hm? Oh, for what?'' He snapped out of his starring zone.

''My friend was over and she played a video of Markiplier and I thought she might have blown your ear drums out so... Oh I'm Mya by the way.'' 

Wait. He looks like Mark. OH MY GOD HE IS! Im not fangirling but Sally would poop herself. I laughed at the thought of her freaking.

''What's so funny.'' He had a confused look on his face.

''I realized you were Markiplier and my friend is like 'THE BIGGEST FAN EVER'. I thought of her finding out and her like shitting herself. That's why I laughed.''

''Oh... can you do me a favor?'' He had a slight worried look on his face.

''Oh... it depends. What is it?''

''If you do tell her.. Just make sure it doesn't get out. I hate moving and I swear.. I would be barricaded in my own home.'' Mark kinda let out a concerned laugh.

''Yeah sure, but I don't have to tell her.''

''She's going to find out eventually.''

''Yeah..'' I said softly. 

''But for now.. Keep this as our little secret.''

Let Me Go [Markiplier x Readers] Short Story- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now