Collab Day & Telling Secrets (pt. 3)

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~Mark's P.O.V~

I don't want you to leave though.

''Okay. Bye. See you soon.'' That's all I said. I can't tell her how I feel yet. She will get freaked out.

''She's smokin' '' Wade commented.

He better back off or I will cut a bitch.

''I guess.'' I can't tell them. They'll tell her.

''Mark..... we know you like Mya.''

''Is it that obvious?'' I was scared she knew.

''Well we're your best friends. We know'' Wade was comforting me.

''She said she had to get her stuff. Why don't you confess your attraction?'' Bob was trying to tell me to tell her.

''This is her first time over but not our first time talking.. Ill tell you the whole story...''

~Mya's P.O.V~


''Did you see the tweet?'' Just making sure.

''YES!!'' She said almost screaming.

''Sally calm down, you're going to make the neighbors hear.''

''I DON'T CARE! YOU COLLABED WITH MARKIPLIER!'' She screamed even louder.

I hope Mark hears this. I hope he is laughing his ass off.

~Mark's P.O.V~

I can hear Sally freaking. Sally's is pretty but not as much as Mya, in my opinion. Mya showed me a picture of her. I'm still talking to Wade and Bob when I hear Mya's friend going ''OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!'' So I walk over to the wall making sure Wade and Bob can hear. I put my head set against the wall and she screams with happiness or anger I can't tell. I also hear Mya's voice and it puts me into a calming state. I think Ill go knock on her door and surprise Sally. No...Ill text Mya and tell her to go hide. Ill come in and she'll freak. Yes. Good plan! I tell it to Bob and Wade. I'm going to video tape this so I can get her reaction on camera and tweet it and tag her in it. They like my idea.

A/N sorry if you got confused about texting and talking in person!! I can change that!


''Hey Mya... I want to surprise Sally.''

''Okay tell me the plan :)''

''Have Sally hide in your room. Ill walk in and she'll freak.''


''K. Byee.'' I hate saying goodbye to Mya. I click send

'';) Bye.''

*end of text*

~Mya's P.O.V~

''Sally go in my room I have a surprise waiting for you.''


''GO!'' I am pushing her in my room.

I quickly text Mark. I hear his door shut then I open mine.

''CAN I COME OUT NOW?!'' I can hear Sally shout.

''Sure." I say. Mark Is hiding behind a wall. She walks past it and Mark scares her.

''BOOO!'' Mark yelled. She could've crapped herself then not even knowing it was Mark til she gave him a second look.

''OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH MY GOD!!!!!! MARKIPLIER, MARKIPLIER, MARKIPLIER,MARKIPLIER!!!'' She was jumping up and down and crying for happiness. I chuckled a little.

''If you calm down Ill tag you in my twitter post of this video.'' Mark said even though he was going to do it anyways. I know Mark...he would.

''A SHOUTOUT!?'' Sally took so many deep breaths that I thought she was going to pass out.

''Okay.... calm'' She said after about 5 minutes of deep breaths.

We got to know Mark better I let sit next to Mark knowing I would see him a lot. I don't know why but i almost felt jealous. I don't know why, Mark probably doesn't like me. I don't know...Maybe I like him a little.

~Mark's P.O.V~

After Sally left the block we went to my apartment because Mya needs her stuff. We get there and she dropped on of her rings in my living room. I watch her pick it up and she started walking towards me. I grabbed her hands. I wanted to do this so bad.

''What.. Are you doing?'' Mya's voice sang in my ears.

''Uhm... I have to tell you something before you leave.... This room.'' I said confident but nervous.

''Okay spill it.'' She said waiting to listen.

''I-I-I like you.'' I didn't wanna say love. To early.

''Oh, Mark. I like you to.'' She said. I wasn't sure what one she meant.

''In the way I like you?'' I needed to know.

''I don't know what way do you like m-''

I cut her off with a kiss on the lips. I told her my secret.

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