Collab Day & Telling Secrets (pt.2)

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~Mya's P.O.V~

''Okay. What game do you want to film?'' I asked.

''I was thinking of playing 'Mortal Kombat' to get warmed up then play some.. uh... Prop hunt with Bob and Wade?''

''Sounds fun!'' I said smiling.

''Okay but I'm so beating you at Mortal Kombat.'' Mark said smirking.

''Oh are you now?'' I bopped his nose with my finger.

I think he likes me... To be honest. I bopped his nose and he like stood there in like shock.

"I didn't hit your nose that hard...'' I said. I was wondering what he was doing its like he zoned off.

''Hm? Oh...Uh..... MORTAL KOMBAT THAT'S RIGHT!'' Finally snapping out of his daydream.

''What were you doing?'' I asked him curiously.

''Thinking...'' He said distantly.

''......about..?'' I asked him still wanting to know.

'''' He mumbled the last word I heard about but I didn't hear what else he said.

''What? I couldn't hear the last part.'' I said confusingly hoping he will tell me.

''Ill tell you later.''

Awe. I wanted to know.

''Okay.'' I said with a slight smile.

"LET US FIGHT!'' He yelled handing me a PS3 controller.

''Oooo, cool controller.'' It was clear with red lights on the inside.

''It's my favorite. Your lucky. Don't break it.'' He said very seriously trying to keep a straight face.

I chuckled. ''Okay, Mr. OverProtective.''


~Mark's P.O.V~

I didn't think that she would beat me! She broke my players skull like 4 times!

''Damn, your good at this.''

''Well what can I say.'' She said and did a hair flip. Her hair is perfect. When slightly curly like that it falls right below her shoulders.

''Prop Hunt. Here we come!'' She yelled.

I swear if she wins as prop I think I might be in love. Halfway literally. I call Bob, Wade, and Mya in a skype call.

''MARK!'' Bob greeted me very loudly.

''MARK!!'' Wade said even more happier than Bob.

''Bob, Wade, this is Mya.''

''Hey guys.'' She said...Her voice is really calming and pretty.

''Oooo, Mark has a girlfriend.'' Wade said and made kissing faces.

I started to blush. Shit.

''We're friends right now. I'm his neighbor and he found out that I make gaming videos, so he offered to collab.''

''Whats your channel name?'' Wade was curious.

''GG102M'' Mya stated.

''REALLY!?'' Bob and Wade said in unison.

''I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL!'' Wade screamed.

''Calm your tits damn, Wade.'' I said quietly.

''Well geez, Mark. I'm just fangirling.'' Wade said kind of annoyed.

''..... Can we play now?'' Mya said trying to keep us from fighting.

''GOOD IDEA, MYA!'' Bob said. I almost forgot they were there.

*After Playing and recording.*

~Mya's P.O.V~

''Well, it's offical... I AM BEAST!'' I said then bursted laughing. Mark, Wade, and Bob both laughed just as hard.

''I think you got lucky.'' Wade teased.

''I think you just have very bad sight, hence why you couldn't find me. I EVEN MOVED AROUND YOU LIKE-''

''Ya, ya I get it.'' Wade knew I won.

''Mark I have to go. I will see you soon. Just text me. Ill pick my stuff up later.'' Sally said she was coming over. I knew Mark didn't want her to know about his whereabouts. She was in the elevator.

''Okay. Bye. See you later.'' Mark told me.

''Bye guys!!''

I walked out the door.

Let Me Go [Markiplier x Readers] Short Story- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now