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I get home and I make my way to the bedroom door. I put on my new dress and walk out to my living room. I turn on some Netflix and switch to my favorite show Ghost Adventures and I was into the 19th episode when I hear my phone go off. I look and I instantly don't want to answer. What if something happened? What if he was almost dying? I pick up the phone.

''Hello?'' I say hoping he called the wrong number.

''Miss me Mya babe?'' Westly spits out.

''Westly, when would I ever miss you? You almost got me killed! I don't want you calling me and I definitely don't want your negativity!'' I don't want to even hear Westly name.

''Well I changed and I miss you under my arm and I flew to L.A today! What's you address?'' Westly says.

You've got to be shitting me.

''Why would I ever give you address. I have to go I'm going somewhere with Sally.'' I say. I don't want my abusive ex to know where I'm going, or where I live!

I hang up without time for him to respond.

I get a text after I hang up.

'Don't you EVER hang up on me! Ill be seeing you later tonight Mya babe.'

Why me? I didn't do anything to him! I didn't constantly hit him when he didn't want to make dinner!

*In the mall.*

I always had this feeling that I was being watched but I just brushed it off.

*Back home.*

I was watching some T.V when I got a knock on my door. I figured it was Mark or Sally so I opened the door. I opened the door and stood in shock.

''O-oh hey, Westly.'' How. The. Heck?

''Hey Mya baby! How's it going?'' Westly ask like we are a nice couple. Not abusive.

''Oh. I'm good, I'm good.'' I say holding back a lump in my throat. I am scared.

He walks in and I get my phone out and I text Mark. I put my phone on silent so he doesn't know I'm texting someone.

'Are you home? If your not please come home I can't text anymore just stay on your side or I will get hurt please. Unless I scream. My door is unlocked.'I press send and at this point i'm shaking so bad.

I throw my phone on my counter and make sure my notifications don't show on my lock screen. Westly will flip a shit if he knows I was texting another guy. Westly was watching Breaking Bad on my couch and I was in the kitchen making some pasta. I made Alfredo cause that's his favorite. Once I was done I check my phone and I see Mark texted me back I read it but I don't reply. There was about 10.

'Why?! What's happening?'

'Mya answer me!'

'I won't come in but if you scream. I will cut a bitch.'

It made me giggle a bit.

I did't read the rest. Just as long as he don't come over unless I scream.

I plate the food and call him to dinner. He walks up to the plate and stares at it.

''Is there something wrong? I didn't know what you wanted and this is what I remember what your favorite was.'' I'm hoping it was still his favorite.

''Well, I like it but It's not my favorite anymore. I don't want this!'' He yells and throws his plate on the ground and he comes at me with anger in his eyes.

I scream so loud Canada can hear me.

Westly didn't like that and grabbed a knife. I scream again for Mark to hurry. I feel a sharp pain in my leg and I slowly close my eyes. It keeps getting darker just when I hear Westly 'oof.' I hear Mark telling me to hold on and stay with him. I kept feeling a pain really close to my side. Mark keeps yelling when I slowly drift off.


I hear beeping and I feel a little weird. I'm having some sort of sleep paralysis. I can't open my eyes. I feel a hand in mine. I don't know who though. I open my eyes and see Westly squeezing my hand. I yank my arm out of his grip.

''HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?'' I screamed at him.

''I told them that I was your boyfriend and Mark busted in. He stabbed you and I tried to pull it out but he punched me.'' He smirked.

''They're taking Mark to jail for attempted murder.'' He said with a bigger smirk.



Sorry if it's short and I haven't uploaded in a while. I have to do somethings going on!



Let Me Go [Markiplier x Readers] Short Story- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now