Meeting Jack.

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~Mark's P.O.V~

I read the text I get when my phone dings.

YES! Oh thank the Lord she didn't think I was some scary creep! I'm going to text her in the morning since I don't have time right now. I want to make a video and I'm deciding on Happy Wheels. I might go with 'Reading Your Comments'. I'm going to do a 'Reading you comments' video. I scroll through and read some that stand out to me. I look on Mya and I's video and read some comments there. Most of them are ''You 2 would b the perf couple.'' I blush just thinking about it. I need to find some questions or good comments. Once I finally found some I start the video. If Mya's sleeping I hope I don't wake her.

''Hello everyone my name is Markiplier. Today I am doing a reading comments video...As you can tell by the title. Okay. Before I start I need to talk to you guys. NOTHING VERY SERIOUS, but really? I keep getting comments saying me and GG102M would make a good couple. Maybe it will happen one day. Maybe not. BUT LET'S GET ON WITH THE VIDEO!!''

*After Video. (and morning)*

I want someone to talk to but I don't think Mya is home. I don't know who though. I might as well ask Jack to come over since he's in L.A.


''Hey Jack!''

''MARK! Hey, what's up?!''

''Want to come over I'm feeling lonely. I'm going to lose my sanity if I don't talk to someone.'' I said laughing. He also laughs.

''Of course, be over in 10!''

''Okay! See you soon!''


*10 Min later*


''COMING!'' I scream.

I open the door and let Jack in.

''Hey! How's it been?'' Jack asked. Jack is such a good friend. He always brings my mood up and he likes to listen to me too.

''Good, Good. You?''

''I'm pretty good! So, I wanted to ask you a question.''

Huh....I wonder what the question is.

''Yeah?'' I hope its nothing bad.

''Are you dating Mya?'' He asked with wide eyes.

Wow. I wasn't expecting that.

''Uh...Not at the moment, no.'' I wish I could say yes.

''Oh good. I was just wondering so I know if Ill have a chance or not.''

I was about to freak but then I remember her text. ' I like you too. ' I was lucky she liked me after I showed her what way I liked her. Jack has a slight chance but not a lot. I was just about to reply when I heard a knock at my door. I opened it to see it was Mya. She was wearing her black tights, combat boots and a yellow summer dress. I thought she looked beautiful.

''Gorgeous'' I heard Jack whisper.

~Mya's P.O.V~

''Oh, hey! I'm sorry I didn't know you had company. Ill leave you two be!'' I started to walk back when I heard Jack yell ''No. You don't have to leave!'' I look at Mark. Well.. it was his apartment.

''Oh yeah sure! Mya come in!'' I heard Mark then I walked in.

''Jack's here for the month to do that Meet and Greet on Friday.''

''Oh cool! I've always wanted to be in one! Luckily when I hit one million I got invited!'' I was so happy I did.

''Have you ever been to one? Maybe not apart of it but just to meet people?'' Jack asked me that question.

''I have actually. My friend, Sally wanted to meet Mark. Knowing how obsessed she is I was surprised we got there to late and she didn't get to meet him.'' I said pointing at Mark.

''Really? I feel bad I tried to meet everyone bu-'' I cut Mark off.

''She got to meet you personally in my apartment though so she's fine.''

''OH YEAH I SAW THAT! That was some funny shit man!'' Jack must of saw Marks tweet.

I like Jack but not in the way I like Mark. I was cut off in my thoughts when Jack asked me something.

''Mya, can I have your number so if I'm I get bored sometime we can collab?'' I was so happy I hit one million or I wouldn't get collab offers and go to that meet and greet.

''Yeah! It's...'' I waited for Jack to get out his phone. ''904-697-3285!'' (Fake number)

''Okay thanks!'' Jack said after I gave him my number.

~Mark's P.O.V~

I was a little jealous. I will admit. I looked over at Jack's phone and saw what he put as Mya's contact name. 'Myyyyaa<3' That almost pushed me over but I held myself back. I wanted to ask Mya out soon so I could make sure Jack didn't get her.

A/N I like Jack but his reputation in this story isn't the best

I know Jack. He is a.... 'womanizer'. He hurts a lot of girls and I don't want Mya to be one of them.

I know Jack likes her. Maybe not even like I do but like...Just want's to hook up because what can I say. She's hot. I look past her looks though and I see her amazing personality.

I walkout of the room to get us all something to drink. I don't want to have a beer at 11 in the morning so I got Mya orange juice knowing she doesn't drink. I got Jack and I water I was getting the cups when I heard Mya.


I ran in and Jack is kissing her and I can tell she's trying to push him off but she's not strong enough. I quickly push Jack off and Mya runs into me pushing her head in my chest crying.

''Jack I think you need to leave.'' I snap at him.

''Why? Me and Babe were just getting started.'' He gave a smirk.

''Get. Out. Go before I punch you.'' I didn't want his face anywhere near me or Mya.

''Okay fine. Bye babe.'' I was going to punch him when I heard Mya.

''Fuck off.'' She said still in my chest.

''Bye Mark. Bye Babe.'' He winked and walked out the door.

Let Me Go [Markiplier x Readers] Short Story- FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now