The new neighbor! Yeaaaaa!

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[ Cade's POV ]

It was about 6:30 in the morning. I hadn't slept any. Just looking out the window and listening to B.o.t.d.f and MCR, etc. Had almost reached my destination. Thank god. I just wanted to be as far away as possible, asap. Just about a hour left. Damnit. I have school tomorrow. Hell, I'll just ditch today and tomorrow until I get everything unpacked and shit. I'm gonna have a lot more room since it's just gonna be me. 2 extra rooms plus a basement, sweet! Any-who, there's a hot blonde over there. Plane sex...hmmmm? Sounds...interesting. Let's try it!

[ Megan's POV ]

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. Ugh, Today's Monday. I got up, and woke up Char. He kept clothes in the guest room so he made his way across the hall. I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face, plugged in my curler, and headed to my closet to find something to wear. Picked out a neon pink Simply Southern tee shirt, black skinny jeans and my white converse. Brushed my teeth, and curled my hair, applied some make up and headed down stairs. After Char and I woke up yesterday, it was already around 12 pm. We decided to go to the mall and then get pizza. We came back home and watched movies until we got tired and went to sleep. When I reached the kitchen Charley had made toast and was sitting down eating it. He offered me some but I wasn't hungry. I sat across from him and he started to play footzey with me. Oh god. It was time we headed to school. We got in his mustang and headed off. Once we got there all my friends were talking about some new guy who was supposed to be coming today.
"I heard he killed someone. Haha."
"I heard he was emo and gay."
"I heard he's from L.A!"
My friends went on and on about rumors they've heard. Soon enough, the bell rang and Layla and I headed to first period.
~~~~~ After school ~~~~~
It felt like today would never end. I have so much homework to do. Charley went home and I was quite glad. Heh, heh. After finishing up the last of my homework I heard screamo music from next door, good god. I looked out my window to see a boy through the other window across from mine. He happened to look over and opened his window, leaning on it. What? Did he want me to open mine? Whatever. I opened he window.
" DO YOU MIND? I'm trying to concentrate!" I screamed over the loud music. It wasn't that bad but it was distracting and a disturbance.
"No, I don't." He said all cocky with a smirk on his face.
Why was he smirking? Ugh. Whatever.
"Soooo, you're the new guy everyone's talking about, great." I said with a eye roll.
"You know it, baby."
I just ignored him and shut my window, flicking him off before letting the curtains down. Dear god, please help me.

[ Cade's POV ]
Yup. My new target. Mmm. This is sure gonna be fun. Mwahahahaha! I turned up my music and started to unpack. I think I'll like it here.

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