The sleepover, mall, and a little friendly favor

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It was about 7:30 and Charley finally left. We didn't do anything. Except make out...a little. I packed my bag, again, then headed off to Cade's. I rang to doorbell and shortly after Cade came to the door.
"I think you got the wrong house. I didn't call for a stripper."
"CADE! I hate you." I playfully shoved him and he told me to come in. Woah. To live on his own, he had a pretty nice house.
"Come on, let's go to my room." I followed him his room. It was a very artsy looking room. I loved it!
"What do you wanna do first?" I asked
"Wanna play monopoly?" He said chuckling.
"Me and my dad used to play that allll the time! Sure!"
After playing for about 4 hours he finally won.
"Ha. Point proven. Boys are better than girls."
"What?! No!"
"Really, I bet I could do more push ups than you!"
"Oh, you're on!"
I did 23 and Cade did 14
"I bet I could name more bands than you."
I named 16 and Cade names 14.
These challenges went on for at least a hour. I won overall!
"Ha, now take back your snarky comment!"
"Fine. I take it back."
I just smiled and stuck my tongue out at him. I was getting tired.
"Alright, princess. Today has been a long day. It's about time we check in."
I yawn in agreement. I got changed into my pajamas and got in the bed.
Cade stripped down to where he was only on his boxers. He got in bed next to me and clapped twice, causing the lights to go off. Woah!
"Night baby girl."
"Night Cade."

-------------The Next Morning------------
[ Cade's POV ]

When I woke up I felt Megan's warmth on my torso. She looked so peaceful., get your head out of the gutter! She rolled over and kissed me good morning.
"Did you sleep well?" She asked.
"Of course. Cause I woke up next to you." I said as I rubbed our noses together. She just smiled softly and rolled back over.
"Uh- Megan. We're kinda spooning right now."
"Hm? I don't care."
Oooook then. That is fine by me.
"Can we just lay here forever?"
"Sorry, kiddo, but that cannot be done." She just groaned.
"Are you hungry? I can go make breakfast." I asked.
"Sure. Let's go."
I got up and grabbed my clothes. Megan jumped out of bed and ran over to me.
"No. No. No!" She grabbed my shirt from my hands and threw it on the bed. "I like you better without it."
"Yea and I'd like you better without these." I said pulling at the elastic of her pants. "Isn't the girl supposed to wear the guys shirt? Mmm...Megan come on. Favor #4? SWS would look so hot on you. Kinda like it'd be so hot if I were in you."
"Shut up!" She smacked my arm.
"You know you want it." I said with a smirk. She started walking toward me slowly.
"Maybe I do."
She bit my ear and kissed my neck. Then she stuck her hand in my pants and felt my member through my boxers. She rubbed one time and took her hand out, stuck her tongue out, and ran down stairs.
"BITCH! No! Get the fuck back here! When I get you you! I swear!" I felt my pants become tighter. "Shit!" I whisper screamed. When I got down stairs Megan was sitting in the couch and had the TV on.
"What the fuck, princess! Now, I'm gonna have to punish you. You know what I'm gonna do to you?"
I walked over to her.
"Well you're right. It's not punishment if you like it, so."
"Cade. Hunny. Just no. Now shut up."
"Will you at least thiiink about it?"
"What the heck? No."
"Buuuut, mommy!" I whined like a little kid. She just looked at me with a death stare.
"No. Now I'm trying to watch that 70's show."
We went back in forth for at lease a hour.
"I thought you were making food."
"I was until you pulled that shitty move. Now I want you."
"Would you just shut up? This is stupid."
"Not until you agree!"
"I bet you'll like it."
"What the hell do you even want?!"
"You said hellll!" I said in a child's voice. "I want you to finish me off. From what you started earlier."
"But we said strictly friends."
"Ok? Do it as a friend. A friend helping another friend out."
"Whatever. But not right now. It's too early."
"Ok sooo, 3 favors left."
"Yea, yea. But I don't think 6 trips to see the flamingos is worth what you want me to do."
"It will be. Trust me. You'll like it. I have a 8 inch dick, and I think y'all will get alone fine." She looked over and slapped me. Damn. I got up and made toast, bacon, and oatmeal. That's what my mom used to make me every morning when I was little. When it was done, we sat on the couch and ate.
Once we finished eating, Megan went up stairs to get ready. I ran up stairs and pushed her aside and got in front of her. She scoffed. I went and grabbed a sleeping with sirens tee shirt. When she got to my room I threw it at her and she rolled her eyes. She took off her pants and shirt right in front of me. Fuck. There goes my little friend.
"Woah. Dude." She busted out laughing.
"Shut up. We both know if you had a dick, you'd have a constant boner." She just rolled her eyes for the one millionth time and pulled the shirt over her head. Then she grabbed pants out of her bag and put them on. I got a flannel and pants on and grabbed my beanie. We headed off to he mall. I went straight for hot topic. I got more bands and another two shirts. One was a AA shirt and the other was BVB.
I looked at the piercings case but had most all of them for snakebites. Even though I rarely wear them. I stick them in every so often so they don't close up. Megan stayed out side the store cause she said the store looked scary. She went to a few stores and I stayed out side cause THEY were a lot scary. I sat on the railing and waited for Megs to come out of Victoria Secret. Fuck, yes!
After we were done shopping she had about 10 bags. And I had 2. :| sad.
When we got back home it was about 5:30. We just chilled out and played video games. Around seven I got up and unplugged the game system.
"Cade! I was winning!" I just smirk and she gets why.
"Ugh. Go lay down."

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