There's a first time for everything

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[ Megan's POV ]
He slowly started to lean it and I did the same. When our lips finally connected I felt a shock of electricity flow through my body. My knees became weak even though I was sitting. Our lips moved in sync. Soft little kisses being placed on my lips. We pulled apart and continued to watch the last five minutes of the fireworks. When they went off, we headed to the hotel. We held hands as we made it back to the car. Even on the ride home he still kept my hand wrapped in his. Every time I looked at our hands I couldn't help but smile. When we reached the hotel we checked in and went to find our room. Once we got situated, he set up his PlayStation. He asked me if I liked video games but I never really played them so I said
"I've never really played them. I don't even know how."
He grinned at that and said, "Well come here princess and I'll show you how." I smiled and sat next to him.
"Well it's impossible to teach you when you're so far away."
"Shut up, I literally couldn't be any closer."
"You sure about that?" He sat crisscross applesauce and patted his legs for me to sit on them. I rolled my eyes and sat in his lap, copying his position.
"What are we even playing?" I asked.
I just looked at him with a confused face.
"Call of duty, dumb ass."
"Oh thanks, jerk."
"Whatever, so you put your thumbs here."
   He said moving my hands around.
I turned around and looked at him and he kissed my nose. I felt myself blush, and I nuzzled my face in his neck. After about a minute he showed me where you put your hands and how to play. After that he smiled at me and told me I was an 'expert'. After we finished playing I went to change and brush my teeth. When I came out he was laying in bed. He patted the bed next to him for me to lay down. He turned on A Haunting and I got in bed. He wrapped his arms around me as he pulled me to his warm muscular body. I was comfortable and he kissed my forehead and said " goodnight, princess." I whispered " goodnight." I drifted off to sleep. When I woke up I was still half asleep and he was awake. It was 3:45 in the morning and I said
"Cade?" I said still half asleep.
"Yea?" He asked.
"I think I love you."
" I love you too, princess". And for the first time in a long time I actually meant it.  Then he whispered to me "Get some sleep we have a big day ahead of us." I nodded and drifted back asleep slowly. I felt protected and safe against his body and I felt relaxed and I felt that Cade had a soft heart, just a stuck up, tough guy, asshole attitude.

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