Your punishment ❤️

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[ Cade's POV ]
I slowly made my way back down stairs. My mom was taking something out of her bag. When I realized what it was, it set me off.
"What the hell?! No! I will not deal with this! Not in this house! Ok, I get it, mom. I used to be a stoner. Then I realized what a dumb ass I was being. It's hard. You have to find something or someone, something, I don't know, to stop for."
"Whatever. That's bullshit. Don't you have someone to go knock up?" She glanced at the stairs.
"Give me it. Or leave."
"No. I'm the parent not you. You know you're a useless piece of shit, Cade. Why do you try to be something you're not?"
I can't deal with this right now. Yes, I know I'm shit, ok? I don't know how long I'm gonna be able to do this. She's my mom, and I love her, I guess. But she needs to stop or she'll be right back where she started. Mark my words, I will not get her out again. I'm tired of saving her ass when all she does is bring me down. Well...I guess not really. She does speak the truth. I grab the pot out of her hands and run up the stairs as locked my bedroom door. My mom was to much of a lazy bitch to come up here. I threw it in my bottom drawer and quietly took my pants and shirt off. Pulling back the covers, I climbed into bed slowly so it wouldn't creek. Megan moved a little and opened her eyes.
"Shit! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you. Just go back to sleep, my little kill joy." I whispered. I could see her smile with the little light coming in though the crack from the door, out in the hallway. She moved her body against mine and rested her hand on my chest.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too, kiddo."
"Kiddo?" She giggled. She was sleepy and it was so fucking hot.
"Sh, sh." I kissed the top of her head and wrapped my arms around her lower back. I'm so lucky to have her. She's so beautiful and perfect. God. Her light brown, cinnamon eyes. The was her hair looks in the sun. Her lips against mine and the way they feel. Her amazing body. The way she moves it. Every move. Every breath. Everyday. Everyday, I get to wake up and go to sleep to this beauty. But she doesn't belong to me...I don't deserve her. Looking at her as she sleeps, (not in a creepy way), getting to hold her, but not being able to call her mine. I don't think Charley realizes how much of a jewel she is. Ugh. Just overthinking. I rub her thigh with my thumb and slowly stop as I fall into a slumber.
A loud knock woke me up.
"What the fuck?" I mumble, still in a daze.
"Go unlock the door." A sleepy Megan groaned.
I got up, unlocked the door, and met face to face with my mom.
"It's almost 9:00. Get your ass up! You can fuck or whatever when I'm not here. Don't you have a little respect for me?! I could die and you wouldn't care." She started to cry. Oh and don't forget this important detail. Her eyes were bloodshot.
"Really mom?! What the fuck! I really can't believe you right now. Just pisses me off. I should call the cops right now!"
"Don't. Look, I'm sorry."
"No you aren't. If you were sorry, you wouldn't keep doing this. I don't want to lose you again. Ok? I actually have feelings, ya know? And I care about things. I put up a good front, but you
literally kill me."
I heard Megan move a little and glanced over my shoulder to see her sitting on the edge of the bed. Damnit. I forgot she knew about, you know...
My mom just looked at me and headed back down stairs. I just shut the door, leaning my head against it. I punched the door a little.
"Come here." Megan's soft voice spoke.
I turned around and looked at her scratching my neck. She stood up and walked over to me seeing I wasn't going to her.
"It's gonna be ok, Cade. I promise you." She got on his tiptoes and connected our lips. She placed a few kissed there and buried her head into my neck. She's so amazing. God. I got my pants on and we headed downstairs. I made toast and eggs.
"It was delicious. Thank you."
I just smiled and winked at her.
"I'm gonna go take a bath, wanna join?" As soon as those words left her mouth, I screamed like a girl and grabbed her hand and pulled her up the stairs.
"Eager, are we?"
"You know it."
I pushed the door open and it hit the wall. I closed and locked the bathroom door. I slammed Megan up against the wall. Biting her ear, I whispered,
"I'm ready for my punishment."
"Cade. You've been a very naughty boy. We do not call ladies naught words. You're a good boy and naughty words are only for naughty boys."
"I know and I think a punishment will do me good."
I grabbed her ass and put her on the counter. She put her legs around me and sucked and bit my neck leaving teeth marks. Ripping my shirt off my body, she dug her nails into my back.
"Go turn on the water bad boy." She whispered my ear. I got up and turned the knob and water rushed out. Once it was steaming, I pulled the plug up, closing the drain. I added in the bubbles. Once the tub was filled I turned the water off and turned back to Megan. She had pulled her hair back into a bun. She reached up to the cabinet and pulled out a blindfold. Walking towards me she licked and bit her bottom lip. She wrapped the blindfold over my eyes. Unbuttoned my pants. For a minute there was nothing. After forever, I finally felt her grab my hand. She lead my into the bath and sat me down siting on top of me. Pulling at my hair. She untwined he hands from my hair and slapped me, leaving a burning sensation on my cheek.
"Ouch! What the -..."
All of the sudden, she grabbed my hands and place them them on her breasts.
"You feel them?"
"I want to see you."
She took a hold of my hands and started moving them slowly down her body stopping right above her area.
"Do you want more, Cade?"
"Yes. Please."
She removed my hands and kissed my cheek.
"I looooovvve youuuu."
I heard her get out of the tub. A few seconds later she removed my blindfold. She was wearing a robe. Fuck. Noooo. She got me going and now she just leaves me hanging? No. No. That's not a punishment. That's like cruel and unusual punishment!
"What? You look like you just saw your reflection talk back."
"I-I-I...I hate you!"
She just winked and walked out of the bathroom. God. Fucking. Damn. Fml.

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