Back Home and Back to Reality, Great! Not...

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[ Megan's POV ]
It's time to go home. Back to school. Back to reality. Back to Charley. Kill me now. I just want to stay here with Cade forever. I don't see why that can't be arranged but I know we have to go. I got my stuff together and helped Cade with his. I made eggs and bacon for Mr.grouchy. He was mad I woke him up early to see the sun rise on the beach really early this morning. He can get over it though. I handed him his plate and kissed him on the cheek.
"Aww, is little Cade sleepy?"
"Shud' up..." He grounded. I just laughed and ruffed up his hair. He fixed it and stuck his tongue out at me. Hehe. He's such a pain in the butt. Buuuut I love him. (:
After he ate breakfast, we made sure we got everything and headed back home.

----------back at home--------
[ Cade's POV ]
After what felt like a million hours of driving, we finally arrived home. When I pulled into her driveway Charley's truck was in the driveway. Fuck. I forgot I have to hand my princess back over. She's not mine. That lucky bastard. I could punch something right now!
"Cade, Hun? Your face is turning red." Megan whispered to me.
I just stayed silent. Scared that I couldn't calm myself down and would flip on him. I have a hard time controlling my anger. About that time, Charley came out the door and Megan ran up to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Babe! I missed you so much!" He said kissing her. Those lips were mine! They belonged to me. They were supposed to be on mine. Not his. I coughed and they stopped.
" um, and your still here, why?" Charley said to me.
"Excuse you?"
"You heard me."
"Guys, please don't. Charley, go inside I'll be I there in a minute." He took one last look at me then kissed her nose. Mmmmm! That fucker! 100,000,000 to 100,000,000. Tied. No telling what's gonna happen when she goes back into that house. She walked over to me.
"Thank you. For everything. I had fun." She said looking at the ground.
"Look, princess. Favor #5, please, don'!"
"I won't. We'll probably just snuggle on the couch and watch A Haunting like always." She said. Still not looking at me.
"Spend the night with me. We can play video games. Then wake up and go to the mall."
"I don't know. With Char-"
"Fuck him. What do you say?"
"...I guess...but strictly as friends."
"Ok, sounds good. See ya tonight."
"Yea, see ya. Oh and, Paula said she had a great time." I just smiled and headed back home. I can't wait for Megan to spend the night with me. Strictly as friends.

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