CH 10 swimming carnival

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~Aphmaus POV~

I woke up this morning and I smell... PANCAKES!!!!!! I jump out of bed and quickly take a shower. I put on my bathers, with a nice sun dress over them and I dont put any make up on because today there is a school swimming carnival. I hop over to the kitchen and see Garroth... Oh yeah he was here last night, he must have slept over. I walk over to where Garroth was standing and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and he looks at me, his jaw imeadiatly drops. "Uh, Garroth?"

~Garroths POV~

 I woke up this morning and I decide to make pancakes for Aphmau. While cooking I feel someone tap on my shoulder, I turn around and see Aphmau WITHOUT makeup, my jaw drops. Woaaaaah she has amazing natural beauty. "Uh, Garroth" she says nervously. She waves her hand in front of my face and I snap out of my 'trans'.

"Garroth!?" She yells

"Huh? Wah? Huh?" I say shaking my head.

"You spaced out for a moment" she says concerningly.

"O-oh it just you- you have no um... Ma-makeup... On..uh" I stutter

"O-oh, um I'll go put some waterproof stuff on, I know I'm ugly without makeup... Heh" she says emabrrassed.

"N-no! Its fine, you look beautiful, no, gorgeous" I say 

"Heh... Thanks Garroth... Uh Garroth?" She giggles

"Uhhhh, what?" I say

"Your pancakes, they're burning" she points at the stove.

I turn around and see that the pancakes are burning... Oh crap! I quickly get them off the stove and I re-make the pancakes. I serve them to Aphmau and them leave after breakfast to get ready for the swim carnival.

~Aphmaus POV~

When Garroth leaves I head to my room to pack my things for the swimming carnival. I pack sunscreen/ sunblock, a water bottle, a change of clothes, a hat and some money. I head to the bus stop and see the popular boys and a few people from my group. The bus gets us to school and we head to the gym so we know what bus we have to get for the carnival. I'm on a bus with Laurence, Zane, kiki, kawaii~chan, Jeffrey, Aaron, sky, ross, Katelyn and a few other people I don't know. We walk to our allocated buses and get on. Laurence asks me to sit with him.

"Hey Aphmau you wanna sit with me?" He smirks

"He he, sure!" I giggle. We get on the bus and I call a window seat at the back of the bus, Laurence sits beside me. I stare out the window and I feel an arm wrap around me. I flintch but I know its Laurence so, I just let it happen. We arrive at the pool and we take our seats on the grand stand. I stand up and walk over to the changing rooms. I enter sand go into an empty stall. I  take off my sun dress and apply sunscreen/ sunblock and plat my hair. I come out of the changing rooms in my bikini, and I can see some certain boys stare at me.

~Laurences POV~ I wait for Aphmau to exit the changing rooms. While I wait I chat to the group (popular boys). I look over to the changing rooms and see Aphmau walk out in a purple and white bikini, DAMN SHE LOOKED HAWT! I see the other popular guys staring at Aphmau (except ranec). I gesture to her and she comes and sits with us. "That bikini looks good on you" I say. She blushes.

~loud speaker~

"First call for all 16 year old boy and girls to participate in the swimming comp!"

I see Aphmau stand up, so the whole group does to. We all take off our shirts revealing our toned abbs. 

~Aphmaus POV~

I stand up to head to the sign up tent/ gazebo and so do the popular boys. They take off their shirts. Omfg! Sooooo hawt. I blush a light shade off rose. I head over to the sign up place and get ready swim. Its my turn and I'm up the diving block. *BANG* the starter gun pops and I dive in and start freestyling. Half way through the 50m pool I feel like I'm gonna drown, I'm so tired but I keep on pushing. I get to the end and made 5th place. Not that bad. I jump out of the water and Kiki high fives me.

~Loud speaker~

"All 16 and 17 year old students can go to the swimming pool located on the left of the race pool and cool off"

 Oooh sounds fun. I head over to the pool and cannon ball in... I splashes Sasha on accident.

"Omfg!!! You just TOTALY MESSED UO MY HAIR!" she yells

"Whoops, sorry" I say sarcastically

"You'll pay!!!!" She jumps in and pulls me to the deep end where none of us can touch the bottom, she starts pushing me under the water holding my head under so I can't breath. I'm panicking so much, I'm squirming and kicking but she doesn't let me go. I finally give up and sink to the bottom of the pool, I feel darkness come over me and I fall unconscious, at the bottom of a pool.

~laurences POV~

I head over to the extra pool and see Sasha holdomng Aphmau under the water. Aphmau is kicking and squirming then she stops kicking and sinks to the botttem. Sasha swims away like nothing happens. I panic and dive into the deep end. I see said bubbles coming from Aphmaus mouth, then they stop. I grab her and swim up as fast as I can. I surface and put Aphmau on the edge of the pool, I grab her hand and feel for a pulse.....

OMFG Cliffhangers SUCK I know! But I gotta do it I gotta! Soz!

Readers: Author ~chan! U did it again! Cliffhangers! Waaaaaaaaaa

Me: soz I gotta do it, I have homework to do (grrr maths)

Readers : then continue writing after homework

Me: wait till tomorrow!!! 

Readers: fiiiiiiiinnnnneeeeee!

Me: phew

~Lyss ('・ω・')

Minecraft Diaries: Phoenix Drop High School (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon