CH 15 The youtubers

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(A/N I'm sooooo sorry! Yesterday I wrote this and I had a MASSIVE headache and I couldn't write much so, I decided to continue writing this chapter and also upload a second later today! Caio!!!)


~Ross' Pov~

I'm here in Aphmau's room, on her bed with the guys, I'vnever been in a girls room huehuehuehue. Damn it Ross you're such an idiot somet- all the time.


~Ross' POV ~

"I think I should do a fave reveal, wadyda say?" Aphmau asked

"Urm, aphhhhhhhhmau u sure?" Sky asked

"Positive, I mean I have over 12 million subs" she replies.

"OK go for it!" We all say in sinc. We laugh and aph starts her video.

~Aphmaus POV ~

"Hey guys Aphmau here an we welcome to my 12 million subs video, now I know what you're thinking 'OMG I CAN SEE HER FACE OMG!' hehehe, well yeah I decided to do this for you guys!" I continued for another five minutes then edited the video.

"Aph, what is everyone gonna think tomorrow at school?" Asks ross

I stare at him wide eyed "uuuuuuuhhhh, i didn't think that fear ahead" Aphmau ur so stupid! We talk about gaming for a little while. We decided to watch a movie so we picked a horror movie and sat on my bed in my room to watch it. I shut The curtains and turned off the lights, the room was almost pitch black so I had a hard time seeing. I walk over to my bed but trip over something in the dark. "Grah!" I shout. I fall and land on one of the boys. I look at him and I can kinda make out who it is. Oh i fell on Ross and he looks shocked. Just the I realised how I landed... HIS FACE IS INCHES AWAY FROM MY CHEST! OH MY IRENE!

~Ross' pov ~

Aphmau walks over and shuts the curtains and turns off the light, she walks over to us but trips over and lands on me. She looked down and I looked up... O..M...G (bewbs! XD) I blush a colour of crimson. "I-i uhm a-are y-y-ou, I da-ba-nrrg" I'm out cold. 

"Ross! RoSs! ROSS!!!" Yells sky as he shakes me

"What happened..." I ask

"I tripped and fell on to you, then you passed out" Aphmau explains.

"Oh...wait I remember, you fell... On me.... Then your che- never mind" i say

We watch the movie we were going to before the incident and I feel pressure on my arm. I look down and see Aphmau laying her head on my shoulder. A jump scare can up and she screamed and clinged on to my arm. All the other guys chuckled and I wrapped my arm around her, she giggles and continues to watch the movie. The movie finished and I hear something.

"*light cute snoring* "... Oh.. Aphmau fell asleep "*Loud annoying snoring*" "snoring" and jin and so did sky I see. Barney hoped up and turned on the lights. He drags sky by the leg over to the living room "man he's a heavy sleeper" I said and Barney laughed he does the same to jin. he plops sky on the couch and comes back into Aphmau's room. We gently place her on her bed and pull the covors over her. I look at her a smile.

"Yous like her Ross?" Barney asked

"U-uh why would I?" I stutter

"Sures yous dont" he taunts me

"Okay, fine I like her....a lot" I say giving in.

"Ha i knews it!" He says

"Shhhhh! No one needs to know!" I whisper

"Fines, when yous gonna tells her?" He asks

"Another time Barney" I say. Barney leaves the room and heads to the living room. Its night time so I guess we could stay over, wait is that rude? Oh well we'll just wake her or something. I ask barney to see if wants to sleep at aphs, he says yes and he wakes sky and asks him. Sky agreed and so did Jin. I head into aphs room and crouch beside her side of her bed. I shake her gently "Aphmau?"

"Hmmm? Huh.. Ross? What..,time is it?" She sleepily asks

"Um *checks watch* 7:34 pm"

"Oh my gosh, its late you guys better get home" she says

"Actually I came in here to ask of we could sleep over, I mean it would be easier for us"

"Oh, well then, sure thing" she replies happily. She hops out of bed and drags me to the kitchen

"Wanna help make dinner?" She asks

"Oh, sure aph" we make dinner and eat its 9:46pm and we're all pretty tired. Aphmau grabs two sleeping bags.I have an idea.

"Uh guys... Bad news on only got three sleeping bags!" She says

"Its fine aph, one of us on the couch and three in the sleeping bags and you on your bed" says sky

"Okay, well you guys get some rest okay?" She taunts

"Yes Mum!" I yell, we all laugh and head to bed. *a few hours later*  wake up and sneak over to the kitchen. I'm hungry. I open the fridge and search for food. I find some MnMs. I turn around and see an angry looking Aphmau.

"Drop the chocolate and no body gets hurt" she snickers then giggles. I hand her Tue chocolate and she puts it in the fridge. 'Cmon Ross this is the perfect time' I think. I place my hands on Aphmau's hips and she turns around swiftly and looks me in the eyes. I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her in closer. She stares at me, wide eyed. 

"R-ross?" She says confused

"I-im... Sorry aph" I let her to but she puts her arms around my neck, I'm so shocked at what's happening. Our faces are inches away we lean in more and more...

"OMG! ROSS! U DIDS IT!" yells a families voice

"BARNEY!" I yell, aph giggles. I let go of Aphmau and chase barney around the house, eventually we stopped. Aphmau was standing there laughing at us. Barney leaves back to the living room and Aphmau kisses my cheek before she goes to bed... OMI GOSH YAAAAASSSS! That was ROSSOME! I will never wash my face again... Only is I need to..? Damn it Ross you idiot.


U LIKE? Rossmau? Should that be a thing? Hehehe!

Readers: Rossmau, skymau! Rossmau, skymau!

Me: hush my children I will write more later today

Readers: yay

Hope u enjoyed :D

~Lyss ('・ω・')

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