CH 12 Sick

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~~Warning, Aphmau does chuck in this, but its not like graphic so I don't think you'll vomit but I'm just giving out a warning! OK bk to the fan fiction.~~


~Laurences POV~

We lay back down and Aphmau and I fall asleep snuggling


~Aphmaus POV~

Urg, I wake up in an unfamilier room in someone's arms... Wait, oh yeah I'm at cadenzas and Laurence's place, and ive been forced sleep in the same bed as the Casanova. *sigh* I feel my head pulsing and my stomach doesn't feel the best."urrrrrrrrg" I whine. I try to get our of bed but Laurence pulls me back to him.

"What's wrong Aph?" He asks concerned

"N-nothing Laurence. *cough cough* urrrg" I whine again. Laurence looks at me then places his hand gently on my forehead.

"You're burning up aph" he says

"No kidding... urg my head, I feel so yuck" I reply. Laurence hops out of bed and grabs a thermometer and gives it to me. He checks my tempreture.

"Woah.... 40°c" he says shocked. I glare at him with tired eyes. Laurence runs down stairs and goes to the medicine cabinet. When he comes up he has panadol, nerofune, dymertap and other medicines (not sponcered xD and I used Australian brands so soz if u dunno what I'm talking about). "Nooooooo, I HATE dymertap, it tastes GROSS!!! Don't make me have it!" I whined as Laurence just shakes his head. I lay in Laurence's bed, sick... This day couldn't get any worse!

~~ Laurence's POV~~

I tell cadenza that Aphmau is sick and she agrees to help me take care of her. I walk into my room holding medicines, aphmau complains about the dymertap but I just shake my head. I go down stairs and grab a spoon,  walk up the stairs and I see cadenza. "*sigh* Cadenza, can you hold down Aphmau while I'm give her the medicine, she says she's not taking it."

"Uh, sure Laurence" she says, we go into my room and walk up to Aphmau. "Time for medicine Aphmau"

"Noooooooooooo" Aphmau whines. 'She's so cute', I think

"NOW CADENZA!" I yell as Cadenza holds Aphmau on the bed and holds her jaw open. " here comes the aeroplane!" I chuckle. 

"N-no!" She says, too late the spoon full of dymertape is already in her mouth. She swallows the medicine.

"*gag* so gross!" She complains!

" one down two to go" I laugh

"UUURRRGGGG!" she whines. 

~Aphmaus POV~

*sigh* the other medicines wernt as bad as the first, but I didn't like it.NOT.ONE.BIT. I feel my stomach turning. "Laurence!" I yell

"You call?" He says

"BUCKET, I NEED..... A BUCKET, LIKE NOW!!!!" I yell. Cadenza bolts in right after I say that with a bucket. I bolt to Laurence's bathroom so they don't vomit and chuck into the bucket. *gag* *blech* ugh so disgusting. *cough cough cough* *gag*

~Cadenzas POV~

I sit on Laurence's bed looking at his bathroom door cringing like crazy, laurence glares at me and pinches my shoulder. "Hay! What was that for?" I yell

"Cadenza, don't cringe at Aphmau, she's sick and she can't help it" Laurence says

"Ugh, sorry Laurence, I just DONT like to be around people chucking" I whine and Laurence just smirks and shakes his head. I leave the room and sit in the living room.

~Laurences POV~

I can't hear any more chucking and I hear the toilet flush (xD toilet) 'she must be done'_ I think to myself. I lead against the door and put my ear up against it. *muffled sniffle* *muffled sobs*. It breaks my heart hearing Aphmau cry. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

~Aphmaus POV~

I've finished my chucking and leann against the wall. I feel so embarrassed. I start crying thinking no one would hear me. *knock knock knock* 'oh great' "hmmm? Who i-is it?" I ask between sobs.

"Laurence" he replies

"C-come in" I say. The door slowly opens and Laurence walks in, closing the door behind him.

"A-aphmau, are you feeling better?"he asks

"A-a little bit, why?" I ask. He puts his arm around me and hugs me tight, I soflty push him away. "I dont want you getting sick too laurence." I whisper loud enough for him to hear me.

"I'd rather get sick than leave you alone." He says softly, pulling me in for another hug.

"Thankyou Laurence, for helping me" I whisper. He kisses my forehead (because my lips taste like vomit) Laurence says i feel cold so we snuggle, on the bathroom floor, in HIS bathroom. I feel drowsy, I fall asleep and slowly move on Laurence's lap. He strokes my hair and picks me up bridal~style.

~Laurences POV~

I sit on the floor with Aphmau then I see her rest on my lap, I stroke her hair. She was asleep, I smile, pick her up and place her on my bed. I pull the covers over her then i kiss her forehead. i pull up a chair next to the bed. I sit in the chair and watch over her while she sleeps, "she's so precious" I say.

"EEEEEEIIIIIIIII! OMG OTP, OTP!!!!!" yells cadenza.

"Omfg cadenza! Shush you'll wake her..." Too late. Sure enough Aphmau flutters her eyes and blinks slowly, she looks at me and says.

"LAURENCE...I N-NEED THE BUCKET A-AGAIN *gag*" she says holding in her vomit... Here we go again! She rushes back into the bathroom and chucks. I see cadenza looking pale. She runs over to the other bathroom and does the same as Aphmau... Wow.

1. Awwwwwwwwwww

2. Soz about the vomit bits xD

3. #LAURMAU! don't worry I'll add other ships too, just cuz my name is Laurmaufan17 don't mean I'll just keep it Laurmau.


IMA do a dance! 

(~ ̄△ ̄)~╮| ( ̄▽ ̄")╭ | ╮(╯▽╰)╭ |(~ ̄△ ̄)~ |╭( ̄▽ ̄)╮ Alyssa~Senpi so happy!

5. U like the ending? Hehehe! I think it was funny... Well I laugh at anything really... Heh heh heh toilet.

~Lyss ('・ω・')

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