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Life always gives us reason to live. Who said they don't have any reason to live actually they are lying. We just need to find that particular reason. If we succeed in finding that out our life become a perfect dream. Yes we are always not royals for our dreams aims and life but we can try it. New day always bring a new reason to live. Our life can change in a single day.

I slowly open my eyes to meet a beautiful sight in front of me. Actually which I was referring as pillow was not pillow but it was him. it's not a rocket science to discover who the who' is? Is it? No na. it's my so sadu mister devil. [*blush*]

He looks so cute sleeping like this. His hairs are a mess but in a sexy way. I think it should declared illegal to look cute yet sexy at same time. Sometime I seriously hate him for looking that much handsome. He can make a thousand of butterflies in my stomach with a mare look.

My eyes diverted to his facial features. God seriously made him with a lot of patient I guess. He doesn't have any imperfection. Some faint scars which present actually look sexy to me. His eyes are the beautiful color of brown I have seen. His nose is so perfect. And his kissable lips...

I placed my head on his chest and wrapped my hands again' on his torso. I waited for perfect five minutes for him to wake up. You know it's killing me to act silent. I mean why we have to silent when we don't want to but we need. Oh god I am ranting now. Great just great.

I feel him to sit up on bed. Obviously I will feel because you know I am sleeping and when you sleep your eyes are close so yeah. When he moved to sit up my position along with him also change. My face is surely half hidden with my hairs falling out and half with pressing myself with him. I can feel his star on me. I desperately want to say that starring is not good. But somewhere I like it.

"good morning" my breathing stop for a second. Did he recognize that I am up. Oh god than save me.

"I know you can't hear me right now. What are you doing to me miss? But whatever it is nice." He said in his sexy morning voice.

"but you should set this in your mind that you are only mine. No one I mean NO ONE can take you away from me." His tone was so possessive. Half of me like it but other half who don't like this mine' concept was pretty angry.

He pressed a kiss to my forehead. I feel him disappear and leave me with my wondering mind. You know when I start to think about something people say it's not going to be good for them. But what is their problem? I mean if I am thinking it's not like that I am going to scratch you with my nails or going to cut your hairs. But it's just when I am confused or think deeply about a matter then I just start chattering and even when I was in my school and teacher gave us to perform a analytical practical I always did the same thing. Teachers have to understand that it's my way to handle a situation but hell no they called me most disturbing girl in whole batch. -_- -_-


"no I want go there." I protested.

"no you can't and that's final." He said.

I sit on bed with crossed legs and said-"but please. It's Sunday."

"no means no. and if you say one more word I will not hesitate to tie you here on this bed." Ohk that was pretty good threat but what can you say when you have decided already to protest.

And with last look toward me he left room.

You are wondering what just happened then don't worry I'll tell. Actually it's Sunday today. And I want to go church but he didn't allow me to. He said he can't with me there so he didn't want me to leave home. I don't think so there are people out for me to kill or else. But he is behaving like it.

Angel and Devil ki love story Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ