Pretend it's ok

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sorry i've to update soon but there are some personal reasons so i was not able too.

it's a short update 'cause i was not feeling like write anything more than that if i wrote i surely cant able to stop my tears........


It's been a week since that horrible accident. Everyone was affected in their own way but the person who gone wrecked was Randhir. He even didn't grief on his own father death how much he had for this accident. He was acting like he lost everything he had. It was true though. The girl who stirred the emotions inside his emotionless heart was her. she was like a sunshine in his life. A reason to live for.

With every moment he closes his eyes he hope that she'll be perfect when he will open them. But it was not happening. Doctors were continuously trying too hard to wake her up but all was in veins. They said she had a clotting in her brain which caused her slipped in coma. It's pretty dangerous seeing her previous medical history. They are hoping she should open her eyes soon before it's too late for them trying to do anything.

Baba was trying too hard to not break down. He knew if he did then who will give Randhir courage to stay strong. For baba sanyukta is as precious as a daughter to him. but for her greedy family they even have no time to check on her.


Randhir was sitting in waiting area, hoping for good news to come. Even if he wasn't so sure about it. A middle aged nurse called his name and told him to meet doctor in his cabin. With a strong heart he made his way toward doctor's cabin. He was feeling something isn't good but his heart was not ready to accept to it.

Once he was seated in doctor's room he waited for the news doctor called him. his mind was covered with her memories. It was killing him every second knowing she is not with him. she is a drug to him. he wants her. he is not ready to lose her. he made a promise to himself he will never let her go anywhere.

"Mr. Shekhawat we are trying our best to treat your wife but the chances are very minimum. But still we are hoping that she'll wake up. But if she didn't in next 48 hours then it can be dangerous to her life. After her gaining consciousness we have to operate her once more so she'll be out of danger from her past injuries too. But for that we need her to wakeup. It's all up to God now. We can only pray. Medicines has done what they can." Doctor finishes his words with a sympathy look. But he didn't need anyone's sympathy. He is determined to make her conscious. He left doctor's cabin without uttering a word.

He doesn't know where he was going. He let his feet take him on their own where they want to be. After a minute or so he found himself in front her hospital room. He has to collect himself before entering her room. He knew even though she isn't watching or saying anything but she still can feel him. he just knew it somehow.

But he doesn't know how to pretend that's everything is ok. What would he do or say and pretend it's ok. He is punishing himself for letting her in this situation. Only he knew that if he didn't take her then she was going to face her so called family's true color.

It is true that whatever happens happen for a reason.

He sat on chair placed beside her bed where she is sleeping a peaceful sleep for how long no one knows. He took her soft hands in his rough ones compared to her. Before her his life was only revolve around killing. He had feelings for only is baba and his best friend. That's it he didn't care for anyone else. But she changed everything including him. He doesn't know what he will do if.........

"Hey" his voice sounded broken and rough from crying.

"I know you can hear me sp wake up now. It's been a week and now I am not gonna take your dramas anymore. Are you seriously behaving like this? you know baba is so tensed just 'cause of you. I am going to ground for your whole life for throwing the stunt you pull that day. I am still angry with you but......" he don't know how to say a thing without breaking. But he promised himself that he will be strong 'cause his angel wants him to see strong not like this.

"you told me that you love me but did you wait for my answer? No god damn you didn't wait for me. you know what wake the hell up. Otherwise I'll do something which you and me both regret. Why are doing this to me why....."

A lone tear slipped from his eye and fall on to her hand.

It's breaking him to see her sleeping like that. There is no pain anyone can explain what he was feeling. When you lost someone you realize what their presence means to you. He is not strong enough to handle the pain he has to feel if she left him in the middle of their life. He imagined their life to be a normal like others. He knows with his gang leader lifestyle they are going to face problems but he was ready for them having her beside him.

When we heard from someone that they got cheated or heartbroken by their special someone we feel sympathy but in reality they don't get that much hurt if love isn't true between them. People who falls in love in every next month doesn't even know the truth what love is. It's pure. When someone so close to us left us alone in this world to deal with, no one knows what we are going through. Every memory bring a series of tears in our eyes. Everything that belong to them makes us cry. Breaks heart into million pieces again and again. It's easy to say then done that we can move on from our loved ones lost. But it's anything but true.

No one can understand what our heart is feeling. What our mind is thinking or what our thoughts and words are occupied with. Everything that belongs to them made heart cry over again. Leaving someone is too easy but did they realize what a mess they are leaving. It hurts them too but we can't do anything against God's decision. He is the story writer of everyone's life. He decides when he wants someone leave us. but still it hurts . it truly hurts.

"I love you Sanyukta. I really really do. Please don't leave me in the middle of nowhere. I will not able to lose you. If you leave me a part of me also leave me. you are my sunshine my reason to smile, live. Please please." He had covered her hand with both of his. He was holding them tight like if he loosed his grip then she will leave him.

"please please..." he pleaded her only if she knows.

"Mister you have to leave. It's time for her to take her injections and medicines." A feminine voice said from behind.

Without looking back at her he asked "can I wait here. I don't want to leave her."

"but it's...." that nurse starts to object but get interrupt by doctor. She sure was new 'cause other nurses will not object on his presence. They all got to knew how much he loves and cares for this girl who is lying on a death bed. They were also praying her to be ok.

"You can stay Mr. Shekhawat." A formal yet sympathy filled voice of doctor to be heard.

Doctor check on her and nurse gave her medicines. Randhir was not ready to leave her side.

"he loves her so much god please don't take her away from him." nurse pray to god and leave them alone for their own.


I lost someone so dear to me. No one can replace their position in my heart and in my life. :(

Rest In Peace................. 

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