Bad news

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Ginny's POV

"She woke up a little while ago Minerva. She was screaming and crying and her arm... the one with the scar, started bleeding so badly! And even though she sat on her bed, her eyes were closed as if she couldn't open them. Then after three minutes, she fell back like nothing had happened! I- I don't know what to do Minnie. I asked the healers and they said the only thing we could do is wait. I- I- ..."
I clasped my hand on my mouth to prevent me from screaming and crying about my friend.
She had nightmares! The torture from Bellatrix was haunting her dreams! I continued listening.
"That's the only thing we can do Poppy. I think we should tell to her friends, but I am going to say it to Ginny Weasley first, because she is like a sister to Hermione..."
I couldn't listen more. I opened the door and said with a trembling voice.
"I'm right here professor. There is no need of that."
Then, before I could tell more, she ran to me and hugged me, murmuring "I'm sorry" while I was hugging her back, tears streaming down both of our faces.
Gulping, I promised to say to the others and bidding I left the wing to go wake Draco.

Draco's POV

I was wide awake in our dorm, thinking what would happen if she didn't wake up.

No Malfoy! Think what will happen when she wakes up! Her first question will be "How long was I out?" and then she will panick because she had lost so many homework and that she hadn't studied at least twenty times for our NEWT's, even though we still have months until the end of the year.

The voice inside my head said. I chuckled imagining Hermione fussing about exams while she had just woken up from a comma.
I was still imagining when Snape told me that Ginny had to tell me something really important so I let her in.
She came in panting and told me to call the others with a patronus. I did as she said and in a matter of minutes everyone was in my common room.
She casted a muffliato and took a deep breath.


After explaining to us what happened, the girls were sobbing, the boy's were in the verge of tears and I was crying non-stop.
Harry stood up.
"Expecto Patronum"
A stag came out and played for a little while. Then Luna did the same. Then Ginny and slowly everyone except me had a patronus. They all looked expectantly at me but I cried more.
"How can you still conjure a patronus? I cannot think anything happy at the moment. Hermione is on her death bed and you think I can do it?" I managed to say.
Luna sat by me
"When Hermione wasn't feeling happy, she always conjured a patronus. It made her think straight. Not that there was any time that she didn't think straight but it cleared her thoughts. It's like the bracelet that goes with the Quibbler this weekend. Made by nargles."
Luna said in her dreamy voice, trembling a little.
I sighed and thought of Hermione's laugh.
"Expecto Patronum" I said and the dragon appeared. I smiled a little and watched till I fell asleep.

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