He Had a Feeling

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Finally, my imprisonment was over, and it was three o'clock. I made my way to the employee locker room to get my bag. As I was leaving to go find Tyler, I noticed a roll of Duct tape lying on one of the shelves for different assortments of paper.

'Wasn't that Josh's tape?' Considering that it was the same kind of tape, I picked it up, assuming he accidentally left it. As I grabbed it, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

"Joe, uh, hi." For some reason, the "love of my life" was here to greet me. He was wearing a white polo shirt, and blue jeans. His blond hair was neatly combed over his head. His blue eyes, as usual, were unlit and dull. Joe coming to see me was a rare occurrence,as he'd rather be doing whatever he does, probably golfing. Joe is a really handsome guy, believe me, but he's just so... plain. I'm sure he'd be much happier with another girl, but I'm pretty sure he worships my father as much as my father admires him. Please remember that Joe is most likely going to Harvard in a year, and my father used to be a Maths professor, which means he is eligible to write Joe a recommendation letter, which means Joe has been trying to become best friends with my father.

"I thought that maybe you wanted me to drive you home." Joe told me.

'Oh hell no.'

"Um, I decided to walk today if you don't mind." I told him. I tapped my heel impatiently. I needed to go find Tyler.

"But its raining." Joe said. I looked outside and saw raindrops hitting the pavement.

'Damn it!'

"Its okay, I really enjoy the rain."
Joe frowned at me.

"Whatever." He said, then walked away.

'Ugh, finally!'

I rushed out of the depot, and instantly found Tyler's blue Toyota. He was waiting inside. I ran through the rain to his car .

"Finally, what took you so long?" Tyler asked me as I opened the door.

"I couldn't find my bag." I lied.

"Hey, thanks for picking me up. I'd hate to walk in this rain."

"No problem." He grinned as he started the car.

"So, while you worked at the office sanctuary, I dusted off my keytar skills, and I was wondering if you would like to attend my fabulous concert. VIP access along side my family and Josh."

"I would deeply enjoy watching you slay the keytar." I told him. Something in the back of my mind clicked. Did I know who this guy was? Not really. How did I trust him so much?

"Great, okay." He was smiling broadly. Damn, he was adorable, considering we only met this morning.. As he drove, I talked more than I had in a long time.

"Well, I'm not saying EuroPop is cheesy, but EuroPop is cheesy." I told him during our conversation about European Pop music.

"European Pop is great, what are you talking about? Have you heard 'Final Countdown'?"

"As a matter of fact, I have. The only EuroPop I will accept is Queen and the Beatles."

"Oh so you're a Queen fan?" He asked me, but before I could answer, he pulled out his iPod and plugged it into his radio. He searched through it for a while.

"Aha, a classic."
I rolled my eyes at him as he pressed play. One of Queen's more unappreciated songs, 'Seven Seas of Rhye', began to play.

"Fear me you lords and lady preachers..." Tyler sang along. I laughed at him, but it wasn't long until we both started singing.

"Sister, I live and lie for you!
Mister, do and I'll die!"

The both of us were pretty much screaming along to Freddy Mercury. But just like that, the engine began to make a weird noise.

"Oh no, come on!" Tyler coaxed the Toyota.
"Don't stop on me now!"

I realized that this car truly was very old, and was giving out. Eventually, it halted off the side of the road. Tyler leaned back in his seat.

I looked outside, it was still raining.

"Well, its around a half hour walk, that's not to bad." I reassured him.

"I love my car..." He looked at me.

"Oh well, I'll call a tow truck, but if you want me to keytar all of the bad things in your life away, we better start walking."

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now