He Had a Lingering State of Panic

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(Tyler's P.o.V)
I ran out into the street.

"Emily!" I shouted. I didn't know what to do. I knelt down beside her.

"Oh my god." I moaned. She was limp. I began to hyperventilate.

"Somebody help me!" I cried out. I saw the blood surrounding her body. The car that hit her was nowhere in sight. I cried for help again. A man ran out from an apartment lobby.

"Holy shit. I'll call an Ambulance." The man exclaimed. I sat in the street, unable to mutter a sound. Within ten minutes, there were sirens everywhere. I hadn't moved from my spot on the road. Two people came running from out of the ambulance.

"Sir, you need to get out of the way please." A woman told me.

"I-I can't leave her here." I stammered.

"Sir please, we need to get her to hospital. You can come in the ambulance with her if you'd like."

I nodded my head and let them put Emily on a stretcher. I followed the two ambulance workers into the back of the ambulance. They let me sit down on the bench as at least five people crowded around Emily. I shut out all noise during that ride. Emily's pale hand dangled off of the stretcher. I focused all of my attention on that. It took another ten minutes to reach the hospital.

"I'm going to have to ask you to wait out here while we take her into intensive care." The lady told me.

"No, please, I can't leave her." I croaked.

"We will do everything we can to help her. She's in good hands."
Eventually I gave up and sat down on one of the chairs in the hallway of the hospital. I put my face in between my hands, finally feeling warm tears trickle down my face.

'She has to be okay. '

I had to call Josh. I stood up and found a pay phone in the hallway. I dialed Joshes number.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice asked me.

"Josh, it's Tyler."

"Tyler where are you? It's one in the morning? Are you okay?" He asked me. I paused for a moment.

"Emily's in the hospital." I said quietly. I heard a gasp from the other end of the line.

"Shit okay I'm coming over there right now."
Then he hung up. I sat back down on the chair. After what seemed like hours, Josh finally arrived.

"Shit, is she okay?" He sat next to me.

"You didn't need to come. You're sick." I told him.

"There was no way I wasn't going to come." He retorted.

"Excuse me sir?"

I looked up. A lady in a nurses uniform was looking at me.

"Your friend will be alright. She's in recovery now. She's asleep but you can go see her." 

I shot up out of my seat.

"Thank you so much." I almost ran down the hallway.

"Tyler, wait up!" Josh called from behind me.

"Sorry, I have to go!" I told him. I ran down the hallways of the hospital until I found her. Emily lay silently on a hospital bed, with tubes sticking out of her arms. The heart monitor beeped along to the beat of her heart. I sat down next to her. Her face was scratched and bruised, and her eyes were black.

"You're still beautiful." I told her, although she couldn't hear me. I sat there for a while, and heard Josh enter the room.

"There you are." He panted. Then, he looked at Emily.

"Oh my god." He muttered. Slowly, he walked over to the side of her bed.

"She'll be okay, right?" He looked at me.

"Apparently." I replied, ignoring his gaze. Everything was so overwhelming, I couldn't think straight.

"Oh thank god." Josh sighed in relief.

"I'll go get some coffee. Do you want any?" He broke the silence.

"No, thanks."
Josh slowly backed out of the room. I knelt closer to Emily.

"I'm so sorry." I told her.

"I should have been looking. This is all my fucking fault." I bowed my head.

"Did I just hear swearing?"

I shot my head up. Emily's eyes had fluttered open.

"Jesus Christ Emily!" I let out a gasp.

"I have never heard you swear before." She told me hoarsely.

"I thought that you were going to die." I choked. She went silent.

"Tyler, I'm so sorry." She grabbed my hand. I squeezed it.

"It's not your fault, I should have been watching." I told her.

"It's not your fault at all. Please don't think that." She pleaded with me. I looked into her eyes. Her usual bright green eyes had faded, and were bloodshot and pale.

"How-how do you feel?" I asked her softly.

"Sore." She replied with a small laugh. I smiled a bit.

"I'm just glad your okay."
I heard the clacking of heels. The nurse from earlier had entered the room.

"Well, it looks like you'll be able to leave in another four days." She told us.

"Oh thank God I can still make the concert." She sighed.

"The concert's not important. Maybe I should cancel." I considered.

"Tyler Robert Joseph. You are not canceling this concert." She furrowed her brow at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, but you need sleep." I told her.

"Yeah, it's been quite a day." She commented. I chuckled.

"Goodnight." I kissed her forehead. She quickly fell asleep. I stayed up for a bit longer, until I drifted off in the chair.

So no one died. Yaaaaay me for saving the day! I made myself cry though. Oh well.

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