But it All Went Wrong

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"You're fired."

"What?" I was in shock. After finally going to work a week after the concert, I was confronted by the Office Depot Manager, Steven.

"Mr. Bremrose, please. I need this job." I begged him.

"You have barley shown up all month." He replied.

"I'm sorry, I've had family problems." I lied.

"But they're not my problems." He told me coldly.

"Now, take your stuff and go. Your final pay check will be sent to you within the next month."
I stood there in shock. What was I going to do? I had to tell my dad. I had borrowed his car to drive here, so I drove it back. When I came home, the house was a disaster.

"Dad?" I asked cautiously. There were shards of broken glass everywhere, and a table had been flipped. I grew scared. Where was Henry? Where was my dad? I searched the house until I found my father, lying on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hand.

"Dad!" I shook his shoulders.

"Hmmm..." He moaned.

"Dad what happened?"
I felt someone pull on my shirt. I turned around. Henry was looking up to me.

"M-mommy left." He told me, with a tear in his eyes. His 'mommy' was my dad's girlfriend, Jessica.

"Oh God." I knew what was happening now. When my mom left my dad, he turned to alcohol. I was practically left to fend for myself as I lived with him during the divorce. Eventually my mom found out what was happening and took me to live with her when I was fifteen, but by then I had faced so much mental trauma that lead to therapy, that I only stopped when I was seventeen and living with my dad again. For those three years from fifteen to seventeen, I was on medication and suicide watch, all because of the sensitivity of my father. Of course, he went to rehab and I thought he was all better. I moved in with him at sixteen when my mom met a guy who I personally didn't like. Now Jessica was gone, and he had turned back to alcohol. All of this rushed through my head as Henry stood watching me.

"Oh no..." I said to myself in a hoarse voice.

'I shouldn't be sensitive about this. Everything will be fine. Don't cry.'
I tried to reassure myself. This was nothing. I was being over dramatic, but then why was I crying? What could I do? Henry didn't know what was going on. His mother left him, and he really didn't understand. I picked up the phone. My dad couldn't take care of Henry like this, and neither did I. I knew who to call. Sobbing, I dialed my grandmother's number. Of course she understood, and was willing to come over right away and take Henry to live with her until everything would be sorted out. I couldn't let him live here. I had to stay though. I wasn't going to let my dad live like this. I spent the night in Henry's room as he slept in my lap. Not once did I even consider sleeping.
In the morning I packed a suitcase of Henry's clothes and other things. My grandmother came at noon. I barley spoke a word.

"Are you sure you don't need me to take you with me too?" My granny asked me as she gave me a hug.

"Granny, I'm twenty one, I can handle being on my own." I said, trying not to cry.

"I'm ready to go grammy." Henry said as he pulled his suitcase behind him.
I came up to him and crouched down to his face.

"You be good, okay?" I asked him.

"Sure thing Emmy." He grinned.

"That's my superhero." I smiled back at him.

"Bye bye Emmy, see you later!" He waved vigorously at me.

"Bye bye." I repeated back to him as my granny escorted him out the door. Within five hours, Henry and my granny would be in Richland, Ohio. My granny smiled sadly at me as she shut the door. When I heard her car drive away, I broke down. I was on the floor, crying. Of course my cellphone began to ring. I ignored it. It rang again. I looked at the display.

I picked up.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Emily, guess what!?" He was exited about something.

"What." I croaked, trying to sound happy.

"Well, a music manager was at our concert and... Emily, are you okay?"
I was covering my mouth with my hand, trying not to sob loudly as another wave of tears came along. I couldn't hold it in. I dropped the phone and just cried.

"Emily? Emily are you okay?" I heard Tyler's faint voice through my phone's speaker.

"I-I'm coming over." He said. "Wait there."
He hung up. I was still on the floor. I could do nothing but wait.

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