I was Tagged

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So, I'm sorry to interrupt this story, but someone (irresistibly-) is making me answer some questions. Thanks sooooooo much for that.

1. Which literary character relates to you the most, whether in personality or looks?
Ugh, I don't know actually. Maybe Margo from Paper Towns. We sort of look alike, and our personality's match pretty well.

2. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Dare by Gorillaz or Dirty Rotten Bastards by Green Day.

3. Whats your favorite book/movie franchise?
I love Harry Potter, the Sherlock Holmes books and and Series of Unfortunate Events.

4. Do you prefer comedy or action?
Oh jeez. I would have to say comedy but I love action too.

5. What is your Horoscope sign?
I'm a Leo. I am better than all y'all.

6. What is the scariest thing that has ever happened to you?
The milk fic.

8. Are there any quotes, whether in a book or a movie, that have spoken to you on a personal level?
"I won't hate you, but oh, it stings. How does it feel to be Adored By Him."
(Dodie Clark: Adored by Him)

9. What is the most enjoyable topic to write about on Wattpad?
When it's not Twenty Øne Piløts, I love to write my own fictional stories. I love romantic comedies with a sad twist.

10. Do you have a favorite book of mine?(@irrisistibly- )
I just saw now that you deleted Mortamala. I WASN'T DONE READING THAT. BOI WHY DID YOU TAKE IT DOWN I LOVED IT. One Year is also very good.

So here are my questions.
1. What is your favorite type of book to read on Wattpad?

2. Who is your favorite celebrity/ band?

3. If you could spend one day with any fictional character, who would it be?

4. Do you have a song that relates to you very strongly? If so, why does it relate?

5. If given the chance, would your rather be transported into your favorite TV show, or into your favorite book.

6. How often do you write stories, and what do you love to write about?

7. Is there anyone you know of that makes your life a better place?

8. Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders? If you chose not to answer, mustard or mayonnaise?

9. If you could travel in time, past ire future, where would you go.

10. (Yeah I'm doing this) Do you have a favorite book of mine?

I am nominating these people, and they a gotta do it.

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن