A Little Inspiration

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The day after Tyler kissed me was the day I found out that Joe was cheating on me with a girl three years younger than him. Was I supposed to be upset? Yes. Was I? A bit. Apparently he's been going out with her secretly for a few months now.

"I'm sorry Emily." He said bluntly.
I didn't speak a word.

"You could have just told me, I wouldn't have minded." I said after a while.

"But if I did, it would trigger, you know?" He told me.

"My what? My depression?" I was getting angry.

"You don't 'trigger' depression, Joe. Besides, that shit means nothing anymore."

"Whatever, I tried to get a good word in with your dad, which I got, but I can't be seen with some sulky depressed girl. Abbie is younger and fresher."
What on God's mighty earth was he saying? Abbie. He'd rather go out with some eighteen year old girl named Abbie. Right there, in front of my house, I slapped him right across the face.

"Leave." I pointed down the street.

"Whatever," he mumbled as he walked away. I watched him leave, then a tear fell down my cheek.

'No.' I wasn't going to let this bother me. I began to walk back inside when my phone started to buzz. When I pulled it out, I saw Tyler's name on display.

"Hey." I greeted him after I picked up.

"Hi. So, the towing guys brought back my car, but some idiot stole my car radio while it was left in the rain!" Tyler ranted.

"Oh that sucks." I replied, wiping away a tear.

"Yeah, but my dad's taking it in to get it fixed in a week. Do you want to come over?" Tyler asked. I was glad, because that's exactly what I needed.

"Sure." I told him.

"Great, because I have some news, but its a surprise so you'll have to wait."
I could hear his excitement from over the phone. He was such a dork. I smiled to myself.

"I'll be over in a bit." I said.

"Okay okay see you."
I hung up and began to lightly jog over to Tyler's house. When I got there, he was already waiting outside. He jumped up and ran over to me.

"Emily Emily Emily Emily!"

"What what what what?"
Tyler gripped my shoulders.

He was shaking my shoulders.

"DUDE OH MY GOD WHERE?" I yelled at him.

"AT THE MAIN STREET NIGHT CLUB!" He yelled in response. The Main Street night club was one of Ohio's top night clubs, and was not in fact on Main Street. But this was a really big deal.


At this point, we were both kind if jumping up and down clutching each other's shoulders. But when Tyler really looked at me, he stopped.

"Emily, were you crying?" He asked me as he examined my now obvious red eyes.

"No." I lied.

"Well, you don't need to tell me what's wrong, but I'm here for you." Tyler said as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face.

"But anyways, would m'lady care go accompany me on an outing to grab pizza for you, Josh and myself?" Tyler asked me.

"It would be my honor." I replied.
So, we hopped in his car and drove off. For some reason, Tyler was strangely quiet during that ride. Only when he went to turn on the non-existent radio did he speak.

"Its so quiet." He told me, lowering his arm.

"Yeah, I get it. Quiet is violent." I replied.

"Quiet is violent...." Tyler repeated. He gazed out of the windshield.

"Well, we're here." He pulled up to one of my favorite restaurants, Pizza Planetarium.

"Damn, I love Pizza Planetarium!" I told him.

"I'm pretty sure they are the only pizza place in the world who actually gives their pizza special names."
Tyler commented.

"Here," he took my hand. "Let's go get some Pepperoni Pluto or whatever. "

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now