The Other One Would Always Come Back

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After returning home from lunch at the park, I was actually happy for once. I couldn't grasp the fact that I would actually be able to go to New York. I opened the fridge in my kitchen, looking for something to eat for dinner. There was a jar of pickles, some sort of cheese, and a few crackers. I sighed.

'I need to get a job.'

As you know, having a job and no one to buy you food can be an absolute crisis. Food is my life, and I am lazy and broke. Where on Earth could I find a new job in Columbus on such short notice? I honestly had no idea, so I had to suffice with the cheese, pickles and crackers. I sat down and watched some TV, as I ate my wonderfully prepared meal on a paper plate. As usual, there was nothing good on. I sat up and thought for a bit. I was bored. I haven't been bored for a while, so it felt weird. Tyler always kept me occupied, so I never had to worry about being in an empty house with nothing to do. The usual twenty one year old would throw a party at their house, but I had one tiny problem; I don't have friends. I have Josh, and Madison said I was her 'amigo'. Tyler didn't even count as a friend to me now, he was so much more. I discovered yet another new feeling, but I couldn't place it. It was a feeling that made your stomach turn, but in a nice way. That happened every time I thought of Tyler. This was a lame feeling, I know that, but it was also a nice one. It was nice knowing that I could feel something more than anger and sadness. I smiled to myself as I continued to watch the television. My phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Emily?" Someone asked.

"Josh?" I replied.

"Yeah hi." He said.

"Hi?" I was smiling from over the phone.

"Hi, yeah, so, I'm having a few friends over for a thing or whatever and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Tyler lost his phone so he couldn't call."

'Well look who just got invited to a party.'

"Sure, I'll be right over." I told him.

"Okay!" He said happily. I put my phone down. I knew that it wasn't a big deal or anything, just going over to Josh's house, but I was exited. This was the first party I would ever go to. I probably already met everyone there, but still, I wouldn't be sitting alone at home all night. I threw on a sweater and grabbed my dad's keys. It was starting to get dark already as I began to drive through my neighborhood. When I arrived to Josh's house, there were at least seven cars parked down the street.

'He said it was just a small thing?' I commented in my head. I became a tad bit more exited, and also a bit nervous. I walked up to his front door and saw that it was already open.

'I guess that I'm just going to let myself in.'

I stepped inside and found myself surrounded by strangers. It was overwhelming. I looked around for a familiar face. I spotted Maddie standing with a few other girls. She gave me a wave but kept talking to her friends. I sighed as I tried to find anyone else. Finally, I saw Tyler sitting on a couch.

'Oh thank god.'

I tried to dodge my way through the sea of people, and with lots of pushing, I finally got to the couch.

"Hi." I smiled at him. Tyler looked up at me.

"Oh thank goodness you're here." He looked up at me relieved. I sat next to him.

"There are so many people here." Tyler commented.

"Yeah. I thought it was just a quote on quote "thing". I replied. He laughed nervously.

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now