She Simply Understood Him

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Walking back to Tyler's place in the rain wasn't as bad as I thought it out to be. Although we were soaked through our clothes, and might as well been swimming home, we still found no shortage of conversation. there was the conversation about family vacations;

"Yes but if you were to take a child to Las Vegas, they would still be bored out of their mind. Children can't gamble, Emily."

"Well, yeah, but the lights are pretty, and hotels have pools."

Also the talk about Pluto;

"What do you mean your dad agrees that Pluto is not a planet! Emily, Pluto is a small child that must be protected!"

And then there was the serious talks;

"Emily, if you truly want to get out of Columbus some day, you have to work hard, save up, then you can do whatever the hell you want with your life. I get it, I want to leave too, and believe me I'm trying."

For the half hour that we walked, I began to understand more about Tyler and his life. He wanted to see the world just as much as I did. Him and I both found Columbus extremely uneventful.

"Hey, maybe I could take my keytar and find some weird music festival somewhere in Canada, and you can come and watch me." He suggested.

"Yeah, you can go to a folk festival and blow them away with a mash-up of accordion and rapping." I added.

"Dude, that would actually be sick though."

I laughed. I found myself laughing more than I ever had in a long time. When we finally reached the rows of similar houses, Tyler looked at me.

"I think you should know that Josh's drum sticks are fine, I just wanted him to go in and ask you if I could drive you home."

I blinked in surprise. No one has ever done that for me. I pulled out the tape from my bag.

"So I stole this tape that he left for no reason, damn, this is going on my record." I joked. He chuckled.

"But hey, thank you." I nudged him with my shoulder. We finally reached Tyler's house, where we were greeted by Josh.

"Where have you been, and why are you soaked?" He tried to act serious but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"My car was being an idiot and died. I called a tow truck, they should pick it up soon." Tyler replied.

We walked inside. Tyler's house smelt of cinnamon and dust. It was nice. When you walked in, you could see a big round table that seated five people.

"Josh," Tyler turned to his friend, "why were you just hanging around my house? Don't you have a life?"

One of the people sitting at the table stood up. She looked a bit younger than me, and had light, silky blond hair.

"Well, you were supposed to be home a while ago, and mom invited him for dinner." he said.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "I'm pretty sure Josh is secretly living here." He then looked back to his family.

"Oh right, Family, this is Emily." Tyler gestured to me.

"Emily, that's Madison," he pointed to the blond girl.

"Zack," He pointed to a boy with a basketball jersey and a brown fringe,

"Jay," He pointed to another brown haired boy who was very skinny. He waved.

"That's my mom." Tyler pointed to a blond lady standing next to a man with brown hair.

"That's my dad." Tyler pointed to the man.

"Wow, uh hi." I smiled awkwardly. There were a lot of people. Tyler's mom walked up to me.

"Hello, I'm Kelly, and you must be freezing."

"Oh, no I'm fine I can just stop at home and..."

"Oh nonsense, you can borrow some clothes from Maddie. Hey Madison," She turned to Tyler's sister.

"Take Emily and give her some of your clothes." Kelly told her.

'No, please don't,'

"Ugh, fine." She replied.

"No, really it's fine," But before I could continue, Madison was leading me upstairs. I looked back at Tyler, and he looked at me sympathetically. I was taken up to Maddie's room. I was overwhelmed by the smell of Lilacs and other various perfumes. Her walls were light purple with white carpeting on the floors.

"Go sit." She pointed to her bed. I sat down awkwardly. She turned to her closet, and opened it up to reveal many different outfits and shoes.

'Oh no...'

Maddie turned back to me. she examined me thoroughly.

"Red is your color." She said bluntly. Then she turned back to the closet and pulled out a red bell bottom dress with black lining.

"I really don't need a dress." I said quietly.

"Nonsense, you'll look great." She threw it on me.

"I'll let you put that on." Maddie said as she left her room. I stared at the dress.

"Why?" I whispered to myself. Realizing I had no other option, I changed out of my soaking wet work clothes and slipped on the dress. It fit pretty well. I examined myself in the mirror. The rain had made my black hair wavy, and the dress did bring out my green eyes though. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair to take out any tangles.

'Not bad' I thought. I left Maddie's room with my wet clothes bundled up in my arms, and walked back downstairs. Tyler was sitting on the bottom step, waiting for me.

"Hi." I greeted him quietly. Tyler turned his head quickly.

"Wow." He said, looking at me.

"Too much?" I asked.

"No, not to much." He replied. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Get up, you're in my way." I giggled. He stuck his tongue out back at me.

"Oh really?" I raised my eyebrow. Tyler rolled his eyes and stood up.

"Do you want anything to eat?" He asked me.

"Yes please, I'm starving."

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now