She Felt Her Life Come Back Complete

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I didn't really know where I was being taken next. I thought that after the studio and the music store, Tyler would be done with the birthday adventures. I was wrong.

"Tyler, you really don't need to do all of this for me." I told him.

"But it's your birthday, I wasn't going to ignore it." He retorted as he drove back to our neighborhood. I watched as the rows of houses passed by the drivers window. Eventually we pulled up to his house. I followed him inside the house, to find it pitch black.

'This is a surprise birthday party isn't it?'

I watched as all of Tyler's family, including Josh, popped out of their own different hiding spots. I pretended to act surprised as I knew that that was the polite thing to do. I was good at prediction surprised, but I was flattered that Tyler actually planned it out.

"Happy birthday Emily!" The crowd tried to change in unison. I watched as Tyler's mother walked towards me, carrying a huge chocolate cake.

"Oh Mrs. Joseph, you really didn't need to make a cake." I blushed. She chuckled.

"Emily, you can call me Kelly, and of course I was going to make a cake! Whats a birthday without one?"

"Hey Emily!"
I turned my head. Josh was waving me over.

"Hi." I greeted him, not even bothering to contain a smile.

"I got you a birthday gift." He told me as he pulled out a blue gift bag.

"Thank you so much Josh!" I sat down to open it. Ripping out the white tissue paper, I found a blue and gold hard cover sketch book with a neat silver border.

"It's beautiful!" I examined it in my hands. Josh scratched the back of his now green head.

"Yeah, Tyler reminded me that you liked drawing, so I thought that you could use one."
I couldn't have been more happier at the way this day turned out, I thought.
Tyler came and sat next to me on the couch.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Better than ever!" I responded.

"Thank you so much for this entire day." I rested my head on his shoulder and watched as the large group of people chatted amongst themselves.

"Well, it's not over yet." He said softly.

"Tyler, there is nothing else that you could possibly do to make this day any better." I told him. He arched his eyebrow.

"Wanna bet?" He challenged. Then he looked down at his watch.

"Wait about ten minutes." He told me.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him. I had no idea what he had planned.

"You have to wait." Tyler chuckled.
I groaned.

"Fiiiiiiiiiiiiine." I sat up off of the couch.

"I hate waiting." I pouted. I watched a smile spread across his face.

"Jeez, it's only ten minutes."
I sighed.

"Ten minutes then."

When the ten minute mark came, there was a nock at the door. Tyler was the first to sprint towards it, followed by Josh. This time, I had no idea what the two boys had planned. I waited anxiously on the couch.

I turned my head in the direction on the door. I watched as my little brother sprinted in my direction.

"OH MY GOD HENRY!" I wrapped I'm in the biggest hug that I could possibly give him. I couldn't explain how good it was to finally hug him again after three months of Skype calls. Of course he started crying into my shoulder, and I suppose I did too. He had grown quite a bit since the last time I saw him.

"Happy birthday."
I lifted my head and saw none other than my father, smiling over at me with Tyler at his side.

(Tyler's P.o.V)
It was almost a miracle that the rehabilitation center would let me take Emily's dad home for her birthday. He wasn't due to leave for another month, but they thought that he would be able to leave. Emily's dad was more than happy to come to my house the night of his daughters birthday when I went and told him the plan. Getting Henry to come back to Columbus was a bit trickier. During the time I took Emily out, Josh drove to where Emily's grandmother lived in a small country town. He then explained to Emily's grandmother my plan, and she was also more than happy to go along with it. So Josh drove Henry back. I told Emily's dad to come to my house at seven thirty with Henry, and I made sure that Emily never went over to her house during that time. I couldn't stay to watch the reunion of Emily's dad with his son, but it was extraordinary to watch the family reconnect in my living room. I watched as Emily clung onto Henry as if by letting go, he would disappear. I watched the tears fall down her face as her father sat next to her on the couch. My mother got a bit teary eyed as well.

"Oh Tyler." She looked at me.

"You are such a good boy."

"Moooom" I rolled my eyes.

"How did you plan this all out?" She asked me.

"Well, I thought the perfect day for her family to come together would be now." I looked back at Emily, who was smiling broadly.

"Thank you." She mouthed to me. I smiled back.

'I think I did okay.'

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now