Her Father Needed Her

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So it was back to Columbus after one more week in New York. When we returned to the suburban neighborhood we had tried so hard to escape from, the leaves had begun to fall from the trees. The beginning of October was near. Also, it was close to my birthday, so that was exiting. On the sixth of October, I would be Twenty two. One year older, and still without a job. New York was fun and all, but it was time to come back down to Earth.

"I really need a job." I explained to Tyler over the phone. I could hear his hesitation from over the speaker.

"I do to." He admitted. Although the concert from New York had given him a substantial amount of money, that supply wouldn't last forever. I sighed as I thought for a moment.

"I honestly have no idea what to do."
There was no way that I was going back to the Office Depot.

"Hey, my mom's church is hiring interns!" Tyler suggested abruptly. I had never stepped into a church in my life. No one in my family that I knew of had.

"Well, I guess it's my only option..." I considered the offer. I heard him chuckle.

"Yeah, same over here. I can go talk to my mom about seeing if we could work there for a bit?" Tyler asked me.

"That would be helpful. Thank you so much." I thanked him. Finally, I could by decent groceries.

"No problem. I call you later."

"Okay, bye."

I hung up. Laying down in my bed, I thought it would be best to go and visit my father, and tell him about New York. I realized that he had no idea about my accident, or any details. I had only called him once in the week that we were there. I knew I had to see him. There was a pang of guilt in my stomach. I couldn't avoid a visit like this. Finding the keys to his car, I drove to the rehab center. The center was a decent looking place. The garden that used to be crowded with color was turning darker to match the season. I pushed open the glass doors to be welcomed by the scent of stale water and cleaning supplies. I walked up to the front desk, where a middle aged woman with a high ponytail sat.

"Hi, um, I'm here to see Greg Chapman?" I told her my fathers name.

"Relationship?" She asked me, not looking up from her computer.

"Daughter." I said, tapping my foot.

"Room one hundred and seven." The lady pointed down the hallway.

"Thanks." I dipped my head and walked down the hallway, my heels clicking on the clean tiled floor. Finding my way to my father's room,.I found him facing out of the window.

"Hi, dad." I spoke quietly. He turned around to face me.

"You're back!" He smiled at me. I saw his eyes dart towards my arm.

"Emily, what happened?" He looked at my cast in concern.
"Just a little accident in New York. I'm fine now." I quickly reassured him.

"Was it that Tyler kid? I swear to god if he hurt you..."

"No, no." I reassured him again.

"It wasn't Tyler. He's probably the reason why I'm still alive." I pulled up an armchair across from where he was sitting.

"I wasn't looking where I was going and a car hit me." I explained. My dad was looking at me with such concern, I felt even more guilty, seeing him like this. I knew that he needed to be here, in rehab, but I just want him to be happy.

"I'm really sorry." I looked at the ground. I felt his hand touch mine.

"It's not your fault sweetheart, I'm just glad you're okay." He smiled sadly at me. I wanted him to be able to come home now.

"Tell me more about New York?"
I told him pretty much everything. I told him about the concert and the week after that we spent seeing the city. I left out the part about me and Tyler in the park. I don't think my father would want to know.

"You've been spending a lot of time with those two boys." He arched his eyebrow at me suspiciously. I never really thought about how much time in my life was spent with Tyler and Josh. I had no other friends since I left high school, and not being in college certainly didn't help with my lack of social interaction.

"Well, they are my best friends." I responded.

"And what about you and Tyler. Are you two a thing?" My dad asked. I smiled to myself for a bit.

"You could say that."

"Hmmm," My dad thought for a while.

"Any sex?" He questioned.

'Oh sweet Jesus.'

"No! No sex." I rushed to tell him. I had never thought about that. I attempted to store my father's question in the back of my brain where it could never resurface.

"Okay..." He thought some more.

"How is Henry?" He asked me.
I haven't talked to him in a while.

"Good." I lied. I honestly had no idea how he was doing. Yet another wave of guilt passed over me. I had been living in a perfect world with Tyler, and I had never thought to even consider how my little brother was.

"That's good." My father replied.

"Everything doing well here?" I asked.

"Eh, I don't know. It's not as fancy as the last time." He chuckled. The last time my father was in rehab, he was out on a beach.

"They said I could come home in another month." He told me.

"Really?" This was great news. No more living alone. Henry could come back!

"Yeah." He smiled. I gave him a huge hug.

"That's so great! I'm so happy you can come back!" I looked at him. My dad seemed alarmed at my sudden burst of affection.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He squinted his eyes at me. I laughed.

"I'm more than okay."
I heard the clicking of heels and watched as the lady from the front desk popped her head into the room.

"Visiting hours are over." She droned. I sighed.

"I'll see you later?" I asked my father.

"Yeah, I'll be here." He grumbled. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and hurried away.

The Skype ringer went on for a while until I got a response.

"Nana?" I asked. I watched as the screen came into focus. My grandmother was smiling back at me from the computer.

"Emily, how are you?" She asked me sweetly.

"I'm great. How is Henry? " I questioned.

" Great. I got him a tutor for school, a nice young girl who just graduated high school." She told me.

"That's fantastic! Is he at your house now?"

"Yes he is, one moment, Henry, it's Emily!" She called. I heard small footsteps scamper towards the screen.

"Emmy!" Henry's head popped into my view. He looked different. His brown hair was shorter, and combed neatly across his head.

"Hello Henry!" I smiled broadly. I was so glad to see him. His light brown eyes were wide with excitement.

"Where were you?" He tilted his little head.

"In New York with my friends." I told him.

"A special friend?" He questioned me curiously. I laughed.

"Yes, a special friend."

"OOOOOH EMMYS' GOT A BOYFRIEND!" He hollered. I giggled.

"Shhhhh, you don't need to scream."
Henry stared at me.

"Why haven't you come to get me yet?"
Instantly, I felt terrible.

"I'm sorry Henry, it's been difficult, but I promise you that you can come home soon." I reassured him. Henry fell silent again, then his smile came back.

"Okie dokie!"
I grinned at him. I was so exited to have him come home, then everything could go back to normal, and I could have my family.

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now