Her Life Moved Too Fast

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After spending another hour at Tyler's house eating Cheerios with Tyler and Josh, I knew that it was time to go and sort things out with my dad.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come?" Tyler had asked me while I was about to leave.

"No, I'll be fine." I reassured him. This was between me and my dad, and I didn't want Tyler to get involved. Walking home, I thought about what I was going to do about my father. I thought that maybe I could check him into rehab for a while. Then he could sort his problem out, so then Henry could come back.

I hadn't allowed myself to think about him. The though of not seeing Henry for a long time made me sad, but it was for the best. I walked into my house, where my father was lying on the couch.

"I need to go." He mumbled.

"Where?" I asked.

"Rehab, Emily." He told me. I was relieved to know that he knew that he needed help, so I drove him to the hospital, checked him in, and left him there. The people from the hospital would send him off to their rehab center, and for free too, thanks to insurance. I knew that we'd have to pay later. I drove back to my now empty house, and cleaned up all of the bottles and glass. I would be alone here for a while, but I could be fine with that. My dad would be able to come home in four or five months. I would be able to visit Henry. I sat down on the couch and thought for a while.

Everything in my life happened so quick. It took one day to let my dad's life fall apart, one day to send Henry away, two days to send my father to rehab... It all happened so fast, and it overwhelmed me. Tyler kissed me within the first day of knowing me, was that normal? I felt dizzy, my breathing became heavy and quick. This was all to much for me. I shut my eyes for a moment.

'One day to fall in love.'

What was happening? I rubbed my eyes, and felt a bit less scared. I sat in my couch in silence for a while, then I got up to my bed. I needed to sleep. As I laid down, one thought was nagging in the back of my mind. I really liked Tyler, and it took me one day to realize that, but could my feelings for him stop as quickly as they started? I didn't want to stop loving him, but it could all fall apart in one day. I tried to sleep, but all I thought about that entire night was Tyler.

Don't Let me be Gone //Tyler Joseph// (#Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now