Chapter Three

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|Chapter Three| 

The next morning, Dakota entered the school building, feeling nervous. 

Today was Friday, which meant that she only had today to speak to someone, or she'd be in so much shit with Tom when she went back for another session with him on Monday. 

"Hey, look who it is!" Dean, one of Dakota's ex boyfriend's best friends said to Dakota. 

She looked up at him, removing her earphones and brushing her black hair from her face. 

"How's it going? They still haven't sent you to the looney bin?" He asked.

Dakota didn't reply, she just sent him daggers and moved along the corridor, heading straight to her locker at the far end of the hallway. 

'What an ass. I bet Jake told him and all of this other friends to try and ruin my life just that little bit more.' She thought to herself as she opened her locker, removing her books for the first two lessons.

"What the heck?" "Oh god." "What a freak." Dakota heard from behind her. 

She frowned, thinking it was people talking about her again, but as she turned she saw them looking at the tall, thin boy walking towards her. 

He had long black hair and a pale face, he also had stitches drawn on his mouth to make it look like his mouth had been sewn shut. 

In Dakota's eyes, he was pretty attractive. 

He walked up and stood next to Dakota, unlocking the locker next to hers, he looked inside, then placed his books in there. 

He had no emotion on his face, he just looked straight ahead, ignoring everything around him. 

Dakota wanted to speak to him, but she was afraid that he would snap at her, or ignore her, she couldn't take rejection right now. 


"Matt Jordinson?" The maths teacher called out to the class. 

Dakota looked up and around her, noticing that everyone else was doing the same. 

"Matt must be a new student that is lost." The teacher said. "Okay, let's continue with the register anyw-"

"I'm here. Sorry I'm late Sir, I got lost." A deep voice said, walking into the room. "My name is Matt."

Dakota looked up, meeting Matt's eyes. It was the boy from earlier. She felt herself blush a little as he smiled at her slightly. 

 "Nice to meet you Matt, please take a seat." The teacher said. 

Matt straight away sat down next to Dakota, as the seat next to her was the only one left in the room. 

She blushed again as she listened to his breathing, he seemed so calm about everything. 

"Look at the freaks sitting next to eachother." A girl giggled from the back of the class when the teacher wasn't paying attention. "Hey, Dakota! Nice roots."

Dakota didn't reply, she just buried her head inbetween her arms, pulled her hood up and hid her face for the rest of the lesson. 

Though she wasn't aware, Matt was watching her for the whole lesson, he didn't pay attention to the teacher, or to the other pupils, he just focused on her. 


It was now the end of the day, Dakota was dissappointed with herself, because even though she had many chances, she didn't speak to anyone, not even the teachers when they called her name for the register. 

She felt nervous and shy around pretty much everyone. 

The bell rang through the corridor as she headed to her locker, just to collect a few things that she might need over the weekend. 

She unlocked it and removed some books, placing them into her bag. 

As she moved to close her locker, she gasped. Matt was standing right next to her, looking in his own locker. 

"Fucking hell." She gasped, not meaning to speak at all. 

Matt looked at her, making her feel a little stupid, until he chuckled. "Sorry for making you jump." 

She shook her head and smiled, taking a deep breath. "Oh, no. I'm sorry for my sudden outburst, I didn't mean to offend you. You just startled me a little, I thought I was alone." 

"Okay." Matt simply said, still keeping a smile on his face, watching her. 

"I also wanted to apologise about Maths. Those kids hate me, as you can tell, and I guess whenever somebody speaks to me or sits by me, they take hate out on them also." Dakota said. 

Matt shook his head, now closing his locker, walking along with her towards the exit doors. "Ignore them. You don't need to apologise for them, they're little attention seekers that think the world spins around them." 

Dakota nodded and smiled at him. "I will." 

Matt grinned at her. "Do you want to hang with me tomorrow by any chance?" 

Dakota was taken by suprise when he asked her that, she never thought someone would want to hang with her any longer. "Urm I-I" 

"It's okay." Matt laughed. "I won't be pissed if you don't want to." 

"No, no. I just - people never ask me to hang with them so I was shocked. Yes, I'd love to hang with you." Dakota quickly replied. 

"Okay." Matt smiled. "Meet me outside these gates tomorrow at noon. I won't be late, so don't be either!" 

Dakota nodded. "Okay. Thanks again Matt. See you tomorrow." 

They then both parted ways and made their way back home.

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