Chapter Sixteen

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Author Note: Hello everyone. So it has been three weeks since I placed the story on hold and I've managed to get a story complete and another one half completed. 

This means I have time to start writing this one again. *Crowds cheering* 

I've had really bad writers block and I needed to try and write this, sorry if it's rubbish.

I just want to give a quick shout out to the fabulous ShadowsDiexxx for creating the awesome image in the multimedia section - which was originally sent to me for a new book cover, but the size of the image wouldn't shrink. 

But thank-you anyway for making me one, it's wonderful! 

|Chapter Sixteen| 

"Goodbye mum and dad. I love you both very much." She cries, kissing their headstone. 

"It's your fault we're dead." Her mother appears in an evil flash, blood pouring down her face from her terrible head wound. 

"Mum?" She asks. "It's me, Dakota. I'm your daughter, I love you. It's not my fault." 

"You were the cause of our death, you should be ashamed." 

The bloody shillouttes of her parents crowded her thoughts, repeating their cruel words over and over.

"STOP IT!" She screams. 

Dakota sits up, gasping as she shoots her eyes open. 

The room was dark and empty, it would be rather cold if Dakota wasn't sweating due to her terrible nightmare. 

She looked next to her, there lay a slim, nude figure. Matt.

Luckily, she hadn't woken him from her nightmare. She guessed that he was used to it by now, it was just another sound that plauged his mind for a mere second.

She smiled as she rested her head back onto her pillow, carressing his back, trailing over the faded scars that she had caused due to nights of lust.

Grinning even more, she had a small flash back to their evening together last night. Perhaps, five or less hours ago, they were in this bed, pleasuring one another. 

One thing that confused her was love. 

You see, Dakota was fine with being comforted by Matt, participating in sexual activity with him and kissing him. 

But she was always finding herself contemplating whether she loved him or not, if it was just a fling. 

 They had just finished their school holidays, this meant they started again in less than six hours, she really needed to get some sleep, but she just couldn't, her thoughts were pulling her from her well needed sleep. 


Dakota and Matt walked to their third lesson together, at first she had been nervous about coming back, but nobody had said anything to them yet.

She was speaking to new people also, including a new girl called Lana, she had long blonde hair and big blue eyes, she was beautiful in the eyes of Dakota, but seen as an ugly loner by the other students. 

"So, what made you move to Raven's County?" Dakota asked Lana as all three of them stopped outside of the changing room doors.

She bit her lip and shrugged her shoulders. "I dunno really, my parents were fed up of living in our old city, then one day we were driving to look at somewhere else, but we passed through here. As soon as I saw the old looking houses and buildings I had my heart set on living here, so that's what we did." 

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