Chapter Eighteen

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|Chapter Eighteen|

What a wicked game to play, to make me feel this way.

What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you.

What a wicked thing to say, you never felt that way.....

Dakota walked through the school gates, heading straight to her locker. 

The school had never felt so mournful to her, but today was the day that Jake was to be buried, even she had been invited to the funeral afterwards, because apparently, Jake still cared about her very much. 

She was heartbroken because of Matt also, she hadn't seen or spoken to him for three weeks, and that was when he had slightly threatened her. 

She still didn't know what he had meant by what he said to her as he left her house, but she was living in constant fear of him. 

She felt terrible for playing with his emotions, but she couldn't help it, when he had comofrted her, she warmed into him, she felt like she had to love him in order for him to stay with her, to give her a feeling of happiness. 

She opened her locker to reveal a small envelope, she pulled it out, examining the front of it and frowning at the message. 

"Be aware of your surroundings. Don't try to act like everything is smooth, because you're in for a bumpy ride. When you get home from Jake's funeral tonight, you must open this and place the small chip into your laptop. It may remind you of a few big things that you've been oblivious to." 

Her heart thumped, it was Matt's writing, he was in school, or he had been in school. 

Her palms suddenly started sweating, was he going to do something maniacs would only dream of doing? Or was he just trying to scare her, to make her feel even worse about the whole break-up situation? 

She didn't know, but she would find out once she was home later on. 

Dakota placed the envelope back into her locker, removing her Maths book and English book, even though today was going to be a busy, emotion-filled day, she needed to carry on with her studies, this year was her last, and she needed to pass her finals in order to graduate and move on with her life.

Go to college, fall in love, get a job, create a family and then live a very happy and successful life. 

She had realised that she needed to persist with her life, she couldn't live in a constant cycle of depression, regret and fear about her parent's deaths. She needed to continue with life and have an amazing one herself, without tragedy upon tragedy occuring. 

Dakota was interrupted of her thoughts as she walked straight into somebody. 

She gasped as the person grabbed her arm, she knew it was Matt, but she didn't dare look at his face. 

He leant down, putting his mouth right next to her ear and whispering. 

"Prepare for the ride.." 

He then let her go, walking off into the distance. 

She stood there, fear running through her veins, he had sent a horrific shiver up and down her spine, and he'd left the words plaguing her mind again and again, for the rest of the day. 


There it was again, that painful feeling being shot through her heart. 

That was the feeling of seeing a loved one(s) being placed six foot under the ground. 

Dakota shouldn't be so used to this feeling, but she was, it still never made it any less painful, but she was used to it, it wasn't an unknown feeling, it was one that was with her everyday of her life since her parents' death. 

Another tear rolled down her cheek, landing on the ground below her. 

Everyone around her was mourning, of course they would do that, it was TWO of their loved ones being placed into the ground. 

Dakota couldn't believe it when Charlie had given her the invitation, although she could tell how much he wanted to shread it up and throw it away. 

No matter what..Jake still cared and loved for her. 

But why did he put her through so much pain since she broke up with him? 

What was the point of the endless mocking? 

He could've just said something adorable, looking into her eyes with sorrow and kissed her, that would've won her heart again, but no, instead he got upset and decided to rip her heart out and stick it on a large pole for everyone to see, then he replaced her heart with a stone one instead. 

An arm made its way around Dakota's waist, the grip was very familiar, which made her heart beat faster, almost out of control. 

"Don't cry Dakota." Matt's soft voice said. 

She actually thought for a moment that he cared, but then he spoke again, pulling her closer and whispering like this morning. 

"I wouldn't want you to waste those tears. You won't have any for when I'm done with you..." 

"Why are you doing this?" Dakota quietly snapped, not even looking at him. 

"Because Dakota, I told you. It was the last time that you played with my feelings, now it's time to pay." He replied, letting go of her waist. As he was about to walk away, she grabbed his arm, stopping him. She felt his muscles tense, those same muscles that she'd touched many times before. 

"How have I played with your feelings before?" She asked, now glaring at him.

He smirked an evil grin. "You'll find out once you place the chip into your laptop." 

With that, he loosened his arm, walking off. 


Author Note: Hello everybody, so, I've been updating this quite a lot been as I've got into it again. Yay me. 

However, I don't know how much I have left, so I'm just warning you that it's coming towards the end. - I know, fast. 

Don't fret though, there's still a LOT to be explained and there's going to be a lot of twists and turns for you to endulge in. 

Thanks for reading! Comment below giving me your opinions on the story so far, it would mean a lot and really help. 


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