Chapter Nineteen (re-posted)

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Author Note: As it appears, the next chapter will be the last. I really hope you've enjoyed this short story. :) 

|Chapter Nineteen| 

"Should we be doing this?" She asks. "I can see the searchlights in the distance..." 

"Just keep going, you can be set free my love." 

Dakota crashed through her front door, opening the envelope that Matt had placed in her locker this morning. 

It was time to place the chip into her laptop and see what is going on. She couldn't really go to the police, that'd just make her look dumb. 

Dakota placed the small blue chip into her laptop, turning it on and waiting. 

After a while, the main screen came up, with a warning. 

"Unknown device inserted. Would you like to open documents in device?" 

Dakota took a deep breath, before accepting the request. 

A folder opened to a video titled;

"Watch - and all shall be revealed." 

Dakota clicked the video, and it came up with Matt sitting, smiling eerily at the camera. 

"Hello Dakota, my love." He spoke. "I guess it's time for you to find out the truth about me..." 

He moved closer to the camera, making Dakota feel slightly anxious. 

"It all started three years ago...I added you online, we spoke on and off, I complimented you on your photos, you thanked me." He said. "I became obsessed with the thought of making you mine." 

Dakota opened her eyes wider, she suddenly remembered Matt. 

He had just been one of the many random contacts that she had added on this site.

She remembered the constant messages he would send her, about her perfection and how he would love to meet her sometime. 

"One day, I commented on how I'd love to see your blood. You became freaked out, so you blocked me from speaking with you. I was heartbroken for a long time Dakota. You can't just do that to somebody who loves you with a strong passion." His voice turned darker. 

Dakota couldn't believe that all of this time, she didn't realise that it was him. 

"I created another account to apologise to you. Being the whore that you are, you accepted right away, thinking I was some boy named Dean. Well you were wrong, it was me. We became close yet again, and you were oh, so oblivious to the fact that I was watching you, all of the time." He smiled evily. "I wanted you so badly." 

Dakota felt her face go white, she felt sick, she should've known, why didn't she know? 

"After a while, you started dating Jake. You posted happy pictures of you two, voice recordings of you messing around. You even once blurted out that you lived in Raven's County. You stupid girl. You ended your time on the site after a while, still being happy with Jake. You broke my heart all over again. But I guess the third times a charm, isn't it?" He said, grinning widely. "It took me three years of planning. I killed my family, apart from my Grandma, who I forced to move here or I'd kill her also. She prayed and prayed that I wouldn't do anything evil again. But she was wrong, I am evil."

"I found another one of your accounts on a different site on that fateful night your car plumeted into water, killing your dear old parents. You posted how you were going to visit your Aunt in the next state, and how much you'd miss your precious Jake." He looked hurt, but he wasn't afraid to continue. "You posted that you had to drive around the bridge in order to get petrol. So I placed my black clothes on, pulled my hood up and 'went for a walk.' " 

Dakota screamed, punching the screen, tears streaming down her face. "You bastard!" 

"As soon as your car plunged into the freezing water, I didn't hesitate to jump in and save the poor, unconcious you. Who I'd finally have for myself three months later." He grinned. "Your parents died pretty much straight away, but you, oh, you were easy. All I had to do was pull you from the water and revive you, then plunge you back in as the police arrived." 

Dakota shivered, wanting to be sick, he'd killed her parents, all just to get to her. 

"From then on, it's being easy Dakota. You dumped Jake, I didn't even have to kill him, it was easy. You became distant, lonely, and enrolled with Tom for help." He began. "I then joined your school, not being afraid to make your heart jolt whenever you saw me. I then played you, just like you'd played me. You fell for me, and then I finally had you, the girl I had been wanting for a total of five years, three months and six days, oh yes, I counted every minute." 

Dakota pulled at her hair, not letting her cries go unheard. This was going straight to the police as soon as she was done watching it. 

"You really thought you were smart. You silly girl." Matt's voice spoke from behind her. 

She jumped, turning around to face him. "W-why? You need to stay away from me. You're insane! You need to get help." 

He grinned. "Oh, I don't. I'm only insane for the girl I want. And that's you." 

"Leave me alone Matt. This is going straight to the police." Dakota said, standing up from her chair. "You killed my parents. It was you that was standing in front of the car." 

"You shouldn't have used me again Dakota. Now it's time for you to die too, but by my hands of course. We can't have anyone other than your lover do it." He said, moving closer. 

"Stay away from me Matt. I'm not your lover. I hate you!" She yelled, removing the chip from her laptop, moving away from him. 

It all happened in a blink of an eye, but before Dakota knew it, she was tied up and being driven into the woods with Matt, a very angry Matt of course. 


Matt pulled her from the car, shoving her against a tree and tieing the rope again, she tried to scream, but she had duct tape preventing her from doing that, and with all the fighting with Matt, she was now exhausted, all she could seem to do was cry. 

"I loved you Dakota." Matt began, pulling a knfie from his jacket. "But I just didn't love you enough to let you hurt me again." 

"Please." Dakota begged, but her voice was muffled by the tape. 

Matt grinned, his stitch make-up being even more horrific tonight. "It's time to go Dakota." 

He pulled the duct tape from her mouth. 

"W-why?" She sobbed. "Why did you kill everyone?" 

"Because I loved you Dakota. Couldn't you see that they were all in the way, all bringing you down?" He said, frowning. "Take it as a favour. Without your parents gone, you wouldn't have got Jake off your back. I hated Jake, so I entered his house to find him and his mother enjoying their dinner. Little did they know that I was about to murder them. And Tom was in my way. " 

Dakota bowed her head, sobbing even more. "Why stitch their mouths up?"

"Because they all never stopped speaking. Your parents got off with the stitches. But everyone else begged for their life over and over. I needed to shut them up for good. Sewing their mouth shut was a was to keep them quiet also." He said. 

He moved closer to Dakota, looking right into her eyes. "All I asked for was for you to love me. But you didn't." 

He moved in, kissing her for the last time.

This time though, Dakota had no emotion, no feelings towards the kiss, she just wanted it to all be over. 

Then, Matt took the blade, and plumeted it into Dakota's chest. 


Author's Note: REMEMBER - This is NOT the last chapter. There's one more BIG twist in order for you. 

PPS: Due to complaints about the chapter not being made public and it still not being viewed by followers. I've reposted this chapter in hopes that it works this time. 

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