Chapter Fifteen

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|Chapter Fifteen| 

"The school psychiatrist that was brutally murdered three weeks ago has finally been buried by family and close friends today. Students gathered outside of the school as the hearse drove past, paying their respects to one amazing person. 

Flowers, candles, photographs and signs all decorate the schools sign at the enterance. 

We interviewed a few students that knew him, here's what they had to say.." The news reporter said. 

Dakota turned the television off and looked over to see Matt walking through the front door, carrying a bag of shopping. He smiled slightly as Dakota quietly said hello. 

It had been three weeks and there was still no sign of catching the killer, they hadn't been making headlines just yet. She hoped that the only headlines they'd be making is when they are caught. 

"Are you okay darling?" Matt soflty asked as he started putting the shopping away. 

Dakota shrugged, standing up to help him. "I think so, I'm just still in shock." 

"Well you will be." Matt replied. "Our psychiatrist was murdered in the office where we're meant to have meetings with him." 

"I know." She sighed. "Can't we do something instead of staying in all of the time Matt? We need to get out and do something."

"Like, a date?" Matt asked with slight amusement in his voice. 

Dakota hesitated for a bit, but then got up the courgage to say. "You know what, yes. A date, we need to have a date because we love eachother." 

Matt pulled a confused face. "You love me?" 

Dakota walked over to him and slapped his arm. "Of course I do stupid, I kiss you, hug you, care about you. I love you." 

"Good." He simply replied. "I love you too." 

 She grinned and kissed his cheek. 


Dakota P.O.V

I had just finished curling my hair. 

I looked at my reflection and smiled. I looked pretty decent, my long black hair had now got a little shorter due to trimming it and then curling it, but it suited me. 

I had black eye make-up on, making my grey eyes stand out, pale foundation and then light pink lipstick.

I was wearing a black dress with a light pink belt around my waist, going with my lipstick. And then I had some black high heels on.

The door knocked, and in walked Matt, smiling at me whilst he was wearing black jeans, a white buttoned up shirt and a black blazer. 

"Are you ready for our date beautiful?" He asked. 

I giggled and nodded. "I am. You look very smart." 

I walked up to him, kissing him lightly. 

"Only because I'm dating the most beautiful girl in Raven's county." He replied, hugging me closely. "Come on, let's go get something to eat."


I sat in the bar as Matt brought over another couple of drinks for us, he placed mine down and then took a seat next to me. 

We had just had our meal and now we were in the local pub having a quick drink before heading back home togehter. 

"So, how has your date been with me?" Matt asked me, looking at me as if he hoped that I would say it was good, he didn't need to pull that face. 

"It has been honestly terrible, you're gross and you need to move out tomorrow morning." I lied, trying not to laugh, but then I caved in. "I'm only kidding, it has been amazing, thank-you for agreeing to come out with me tonight, it's really helped take my mind off of-" 

"Shh, you'll put it back into your mind if you mention it, let's just change subject. Us." Matt began. "Do you think we will be together forever?" 

I frowned. "Well, I don't know, I'm not a mind reader am I?" 

Matt moved forward slightly. "Does your gut say that we're good? Or are we going to fail this relationship terribly?" 

I shrugged. "At the moment my gut is telling me to digest the food we just ate." 

Matt chuckled lightly. "Okay, smart-ass." He said. "I think we'll be happy together for a long time, possibly lasting forever, I don't know, it's down to you." 

I laughed. "I'm just happy living today, wait and see what happens, I can't be messing with the future."


Author Note: Hey guys/gals. I'm going to have to put this story on hold for a while, I'm not sure for how long, but I won't neglect it totally. 

As I warned in the begninning I have other stories that I need to complete so I can't get too carried away with this, I'm also trying to help a handful of other people with their stories also. 

I didn't want to put one of my stories on hold - EVER. But I have to in order to complete "We all fade away" and get more chapters of my new Asking Alexandria story - To be published in less than a month- completed so I don't fall back on that either.

The title will say (ON HOLD) but I could update every now and again with a little bit of spare time on my hands.

Thanks for reading and don't give up on commenting!

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