Chapter Eleven

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Things are starting to get interesting for this story. Thanks for the support so far! At first, this was only going to be a test, I wasn't planning on continuing it, but as it's getting a good reception I'm willing to continue. Comment/Vote/Add to your reading list(s) if you like!

|Chapter Eleven| 

[Matt P.O.V]

I sat in the interigation room as a policeman wondered around me, thinking what to ask me, or just trying to make an awkward silence. 

I didn't understand why he was doing this, I mean, I had nothing to hide, I just wanted to go back to Dakota and hug her all day. 

"So, Matthew." The officer began, trying to be intimidating. 

"It's Matt if you don't mind Sir, I dislike the name Matthew." I quickly commented. 

"Fair enough. Matt. Tell me, when was the last time you saw your Grandmother?" He asked. 

I racked my brain for a response. "I can't remember the exact time that I last saw her, but it was yesterday morning. I had ate breakfast with her, then I told her that I was going out for a while." 

"Did she speak to you? Or did you just leave without her replying?" 

"She nodded, telling me that it was okay and that I could come home at whatever time I liked." I said. "She never seemed bothered about me coming home or not, she didn't care." 

"Is that why you murdered her?" He asked. "Why you had her mouth sewn shut?" 

I shook my head, amused slightly. "I never killed my Grandma, I left the house in the morning and didn't go back. Why do you imply that I did such a thing?" 

"Because when we searched your bedroom, we found sketches of people with their mouths and eyes sewn shut. It just interested me as that's how she was found." He replied. "You seem interested in stitches Matt, that's why you wear that intimidating stitch make-up" 

"It's not make-up." I snapped. "It's my true face, without it I wouldn't be Matt at all." 

"Tell me. Has your girlfiend seen you without your 'true face?" He asked. 

I shook my head. "Me and Dakota aren't dating, we just care for eachother very much. She hasn't seen my ugly face." 

"Your physiatrist, Tom, he told me that you two shared a kiss a couple of months ago." He then commented.

I stiffened slightly. "How would he know that?" 

"Your pretty lady friend told him in one of her sessions." 

"Why would she tell him that? It's nobody elses business but our own." 

"Matt. You opened Dakota's front door this morning, naked, with nothing but a blanket around your waist. That tells me that you and Dakota had sexual intercourse last night. Why were you at her home?" He changed the subject, but only slightly. 

I smirked at the thought of last night. 

"She had needed me to go to the graveyard to visit her parents, then afterwards she kindly invited me into her home, then we had sexual intercourse, that's why I was at her home this morning." I replied calmly. 

"So you two are dating then?" He retorted. 

I shook my head. "No. I see her as a mere friend. I do have feelings towards her, deeper feelings, but I keep them to myself, we have only shared a couple of kisses and last night was our first time together." 

"Do you plan on spending more time with her? Did you only go with her to the graveyard so you could escape the horror that was your Gran's death?" 

"If she wishes for me to spend more intimate moments with her, then I will do that. I am here to protect her from the horror that is the world. And no, I wasn't aware of my Grandmother's death until you and your colleague informed me this morning." I replied. 

"What do you mean by 'the horror that is the world?" 

"The world is a rotten place, you can't leave a beautiful girl like Dakota out there on her own, she will be driven to insanity."

The officer nodded. "Right Matt. Don't leave the state, we can't hold you for anything as of yet, but as soon as we find something, we will be coming to get you." 

"And what makes you think that you'll find something? I didn't do anything, I've told you that. You're implying things about me, yet again." I said. "It's not good to imply things about people that you barely know, you will be proven incorrect and feel stupid." 

"Science doesn't lie kid." He replied. 

Then, he opened the door for me to exit. 

Saying nothing more, I walked out of the door and straight to the waiting area to collect Dakota. 

She was sitting on a chair, reading a magazine and throwing away a polystyrene cup which I assumed contained a hot beverage before she drank it. 

As I entered the room, she looked up, her beautiful grey eyes shined in the light as she smiled. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked kindly. 

I nodded. "They aren't holding me for anything, it was just a few questions. Come on, lets head home, I don't like this place." 

She stood up, nodding and taking my hand. "Me either, I've been worrying incase they held you for something that you weren't responsible for." 

"And what would make you think that they'd do that?" I asked her as we left the building. 

She shrugged. "I dunno, they're not neccasarily the best police force in the country, are they?" 

I chuckled and so did she as we made our way back to her house. 

Words are not easy when your mouth is sewn shut.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ