Chapter Fourteen

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|Chapter Fourteen| 

Dakota lay in bed feeling down, she heard Matt walking upstairs. 

"Dakota?" He softly called. "I was waiting for you, Tom told me that you left early."

"I'm in here." She replied, trying to hold the tears back.

Matt walked into her bedroom, standing near the door. "What's wrong?" 

She shrugged, not knowing what lie to make up. "I'm just feeling a little upset today, I don't know why." 

Matt climbed into bed next to her, she rested her head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing her head. "Don't be upset, I don't like you being sad." 

"Well I kind of can't help it." 

Matt took her head in his hands and looked right into her eyes. "You can, don't be sad, it makes me sad and I don't like being sad." He then planted a kiss on her lips, going back into their cuddling position. "Was it because of the envelope? Did you open it?" 

Dakota shook her head. "No, I never opened it, I left it with Tom." She lied. 

She had actually torn it into tiny pieces and dropped pieces on the way home. 

"I think it's because you found something out that I told Tom, but he didn't keep his mouth shut, now I can't trust him." 

Matt frowned. "What was it?"

"That we kissed. He told the police when I told him not to tell a soul. Then you found out." She sighed.

Matt chuckled. "Oh, that. Don't worry about it." 

"I was just upset because I thought you'd be really mad at me." 

"Well I'm not silly. I'll never be mad at you, as long as you love me, that's all I ask for, love me." He said, kissing her again. 

They rested their heads, and fell into a deep sleep.


"Dakota!" Matt whispered, shaking her. "Please wake up!" 

"W-what?" Dakota asked, now waking up, it was in the middle of the night, Matt was hot and sweating, he looked in a panic. 

"T-Tom, he's dead Dakota..someone attacked him and he's been found dead in his office in the school, it's all over the news." He said. 

She opened her eyes wide. "He can't be, Tom didn't do anything wrong to anybody." 

Matt sighed. "He must've pissed someone off, come on, look at the TV downstairs and look outside, their searching for the killer, they haven't caught them and they think they could be a harm to the citizens." 

Dakota quickly stood up, taking Matt's hand as he lead her downstairs, the TV was on the news channel, she sat down, seeing the lights flashing outside too, Matt had the curtains open slightly as he was looking out, trying to see what was going on. 

A female on the TV turned and started speaking. "Hello, welcome to the news at 2AM. Tonight there is panic rising in the streets of Raven's County as a local school psychiatrist has been found brutally stabbed in his office." 

Dakota felt tears brimming, she had been horrible to him when she had last saw him. 

"It's unknown as to why someone would do this and who would do this. He was a well loved man around the school, he helped teenagers struggling from just about everything, depression, anxiety, low confidence, the list goes on and on. He was a jolly person most of the time and he never failed to help students get their lives back on track. 

We are now here with the head teacher of the school, Mr Armidila." 

She turned to their head teacher and he spoke.

"Firstly, I would just like to start off by saying I'm truly horrified about what's happened to our school psychiatrist, Tom and I send my regards to his family. I find it hard to believe that Tom could've done something to upset a member of staff or a student in this school, he was an amazing man and he will truly be missed.

We want patients of Tom to head straight to the police station in the morning to be processed for DNA, as at the moment, they are the main suspects in this investigation. 

Thank-you for co-operating and we hope that this is all sorted by the time we start a new school year in six weeks time." 

The news reported thanked him and carried on talking as Matt called Dakota. 

She looked over to him, in tears and shocked. 

"Yeah?" She asked.

He frowned. "The police are heading up the pathway, they might wanna speak to you. Should I open the door?" 

She nodded. "Yeah, go ahead."

The door loudly knocked as she stood up, Matt opened it and spoke to them, then he turned and called Dakota over. 

"Hello Miss Harmon, we'd like to inform you to be aware if you're doors are locked, the killer is still on the loose. And, you are going to have to come with us I'm afraid, as you were the last patient that Tom saw yesterday." The officer said. "You can come also Matt to get processed for DNA." 

They both nodded and got changed, then they headed out of the front door.

Words are not easy when your mouth is sewn shut.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum