Chapter Five

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|Chapter Five|



"Where are you?"


Dakota quickly sat up in the middle of her English lesson again. 

It was Monday morning and she had fallen asleep in class, like she had done on Wednesday. 

"Sorry Miss." Dakota said to the teacher, as the kids around her laughed at her stupidity of falling asleep again. 

"I told you she belongs in the looney bin!" Someone yelled from the back of the classroom, making the other students laugh even more. 

"Dakota." The teacher sighed. "Go and wait outside of the classroom, I'll have a word with you in a second. And as for having a word, if I hear someone make another comment towards Dakota then there will be consequences..."

The teacher continued her rant towards the students as Dakota grabbed her bag and jacket and left the room. 

She closed the door and leant against the wall next to it, hearing kids screaming and running around in the gym nearby. 

The corridor was empty, apart from a couple of teachers and students walking about, going to different places around the school.

She leant her head against the wall also, shutting her eyes, trying to compose herself an excuse for falling asleep in the lesson. 

"Getting into trouble are we?" A deep voice said in Dakota's ear, making her scream a little bit. 

"Oh my gosh Matt." She gasped, placing her hand on her chest. "You almost gave me a heart attack, why are you so good at sneaking up on people?" 

He smirked. "It's a skill that I'm proud to have. Anyway, you didn't answer my question, are you in trouble?" 

Dakota nodded. "I think so. I fell asleep in the English lesson again." 

"Again?" Matt asked, with amusement in his voice. 

Dakota sighed and nodded, shutting her eyes again. "I keep falling asleep, having nightmates. I'm going insane I think. Anyway, what are you doing out of lesson?" 

Matt shrugged. "I just came out of my session with Tom, I was meant to go back to my English lesson, but I can't be bothered, I don't like the kids in there and it's only ten minutes until Maths."

"Rebel." Dakota simply commented, smirking. "You've just reminded me that I need to see Tom after break time." 

Matt frowned. "You have to see Tom also?" 

Dakota nodded. "Since the accident, they think I'm going to kill myself-"

"Are you?" Matt asked before she could finish her sentence. 

She opened her eyes and looked at him, giving a 'are you being serious?' look. 

"No. Of course I'm not. I must admit, I did have the urge to, I started cutting when my parents' funeral was being arranged, then one night I just found some rope and decided to try. I got on the chair, tied it up, but then whimped out." Dakota replied. "Why do you need to see Tom?"

Matt shrugged. "I have my reasons."

"And what are they?"

"Personal." Matt said, with a little wink at the end. "Anyway, I'm going to see what the fuckers in English are doing, just so the teacher doesn't ask Tom what time I left his session, or vise-versa. See you in Maths pretty face, don't be late." 

Dakota went to reply, but he quickly ran away as Mrs Harrod opened the door and stood in front of her. 

"Dakota, you know what I'm going to say already." She said. 

Dakota nodded and waved her off. "Yeah, yeah. I know, I'm sorry for falling asleep again, I'll make sure to keep it from happening in the future, and no. Nothing is wrong with me, I'm completely fine."

The teacher nodded. "Mention it to-"

"Tom, yes." Dakota finished for her. 

The bell rang through the school as Dakota left her English teacher standing staring at the wall where she once was, finally, her confidence was coming back to her. 

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