Chapter Seven

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|Chapter Seven|

"I wanted to fucking stomp on his head!" Matt roared as he threw a rock at a tree. 

Dakota just sat on a log, watching him take all his anger out on the trees surrounding them. They were back in Matt's den. 

"He had no right making comments to me, threatening me. He got you into trouble also! If it wasn't illegal to kill someone I swear-" 

"Matt. Calm down, it's done with now, there's nothing we can do about it." Dakota calmly butted in. 

Matt had been going insane for the last two hours or so about Jake.

Apparently, Matt had been waiting for Dakota to end her session with Tom so they could walk to their next lesson together, which was music, when Jake and his group of friends approached him. 


"Look who it is, the new freak that's hanging out with the mistake that is my ex." Jake said to his friends, making them all laugh.

He eyed Matt who was minding his own business, watching people going about their normal life's. 

Matt looked up, catching his watch. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" Matt asked in his deep, intimidating voice.

Jake laughed and looked around to his friends. "It means that you're both losers who need to go to a mental hospital, Dakota is clearly a mistake.."

"Shut up." Matt simply said. 

"Hey, you better watch your mouth emo boy, or we'll beat the living shit out of you!" Harry, a tall rugby player yelled at Matt.

"Woah, calm down big man, I was just telling him to be quiet. Anyway, you couldn't beat me in a fight anyway, none of you." Matt replied slyly. 

"We don't want to fight with you Matt. Just know that Dakota is a handful, she's insane and depressed, she's a mistake for anyone to lay eyes on. I don't see why you're dating her in the first place, I mean, I know that you're both desperate, but I didn't know that you'd be that desperate, especially as the new kid, I mean, come on." Jake laughed. 

Matt quickly stood up. "You better take that back. Dakota is beautiful the way she is." 

Jake held his hands up and spoke sarcastically. "Ooh, I'm soo scared. I better what out or the emo boy might just cut me." 

"I might just do that..." Matt muttered.

Jake frowned. "What did you just say? Did you just say that you might cut me?" 

He then laughed as his friends did too. 

But his laughter was cut short when Matt swung at him, punching him hard in the face. 

That's when the fight broke out. 

[End of flashback] 

Matt walked over to Dakota, still fuming. He knelt down before her. 

"He made the most horrible comments about you, I had to do something, he was trying to act all tough when he clearly wasn't. I was the one who won the fight, it shows he's too weak." 

Dakota brushed a loose piece of hair that was flying into Matt's face out of the way and spoke. "It's okay Matt, you didn't have to fight for me. He's just trying to get his own back after I dumped his ass. I'm used to the names now." 

Matt stood up, pushing her hand away. "But you shouldn't be! That's my point! They need to stop making you feel like the scum of the earth."

He was now going red, like he would drop dead from stress at any moment. 

Dakota stood up quickly, walking over to him and holding his arms by his side. 

Looking right into his eyes, she spoke softly and calmly. "You need to stop it Matt. You're going to do something stupid, you'll either hurt yourself or others, and I don't think you should be like that. Thank-you for sticking up for me, even when I was dating Jake, he never did anything to stick up for me. It was popularity over love for him." 

Matt smiled slightly, moving closer to her face. 

"I'll never give up on trying to make you happy." He whispered, then, he planted a kiss onto her lips.

Dakota was shocked at first, she didn't expect for Matt to kiss her, but there they were, in the middle of the woods, sharing an emotion-filled kiss. 

She felt her confidence levels go through the roof as she kissed him back, now hugging him close to her body. 

Words are not easy when your mouth is sewn shut.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz