Chapter Twenty

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Author Note: So, this is the last chapter. Thank-you so much for reading and commenting, it's great that you've supported my writing. 

There will be no epilogue or sequel because this basically ends everything. Some of you may love this ending, others, may hate it, but this has been my plot all along.

Prepare for the final twist. I hope you like it! 

Dakota opened her eyes, screaming and rocking backwards and forwards. 

She was in a white room and the jacket was keeping her from standing up and moving about. 

Sirens started sounding since she pulled at the wires that were keeping her sitting on the ground.

The huge padded door opened, revealing several males running towards her, her screams became louder.

"Matt! Where's Matt?!" She screamed as they held her down again. 

She started kicking and screaming as they injected her with the correct medicines. 

Three months earlier... 

"Dakota Harmon, you worthless excuse for a daughter! Get your ass down here right now!" Dakota heard her horrible father yell. 

"It's time.." Matt whispered in her ear. 

She looked at him, scared about what she was going to do this evening. She nodded, standing up and opening her bedroom door, she turned to ask Matt once more if it was going to be okay, but he had vanished again. 

You're probably wondering 'what's wrong with Dakota?' Well, Dakota was a very odd child, she was born with a rare disorder which meant that if she was in an empty room, it would be full of imaginary people, telling her to either do good or bad things. 

She was now seventeen, all of the other 'friends' faded, but one had stuck with her, and his name was Matt. 

Matt was a 'badass' imaginary friend, who'd make Dakota do things which she'd get into trouble for.

No matter how much trouble Dakota got in, she loved Matt endlessly, but she could never kiss him or feel him, and she wanted that more than anything. 

Dakota didn't have much of a great life, her parents hated her because of all the money they had to spend on her medicine each year, but it was worth it because they wanted a totally normal daughter. 

Matt didn't like the way they bossed Dakota around. He wanted them out of the way, so Dakota could be free and happy. 

He promised her that if she did what he said, then she could be with him, they could hold hands, kiss, they could be in love. 

"Dakota! Hurry the fuck up! We need to be at your Aunt's house by dawn!" Her mother screamed. 

Dakota slipped her jacket on, heading to the car to join her father, a man that was always angry or grumpy. He hated Dakota, he'd always said that she was a mistake anyway, but of course, she was the biggest mistake imaginable. 

"About fucking time! We need to get petrol yet you stupid fucking bitch." He yelled as she closed the car door, doing her seatbelt up and closing the world out. She hated her father so much. 

Her mother soon joined them, blabbering on about how wonderful a family gathering would be, they could see how much Dakota has changed, that she's not a total creep anymore. 

Dakota heard someone shuffle next to her, she looked to her left, seeing Matt flashing her a reasuring smile. 

"Oh, that's just fucking great isn't it! The bridge is closed due to repairs! Fucking hell." Her father roared from the drivers seat, punching the steering wheel. 

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