Chapter Six

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|Chapter Six| 

Dakota rested on the brown sofa as Tom closed the door and grabbed his notepad. 

"So Dakota. How was your weekend?" Tom asked, now sitting down in front of her. 

She nodded. "It was good, better than staying inside like most weekends." 

Tom raised his eyebrows. "You went out? Who with?"

Dakota grinned. "The new boy, Matt." 

Tom nodded. "So, you know him?"

"I didn't know him until Friday. I passed your challenge, I spoke to someone." 

"Okay, that's great to hear, so you've made two big improvements." Tom commented. 

Dakota nodded. "Yeah, I guess, speaking to someone and actually going out. I think you should say three, making a friend." 

Tom smiled. "Okay then, three improvements all from meeting one person. That's really good to hear Dakota, I'm sure that'll be one big step towards you finishing these sessions." 

"Why does Matt need to come to the sessions with you? He seems normal to me." Dakota said, slightly changing subject. 

"Well, I'm not allowed to speak to patients about different patients, but he's like you in a sense, he has things that are troubling him deep down and he needs help with them, so he is able to speak with me." Tom smiled. 

Dakota just nodded. 

"Anything else?" Tom asked.

Dakota wanted to mention her nightmares, but then she suddenly became nervous again. 

She shook her head. 

Tom looked at her for a while, most likely knowing that she was lying to him - as usual. But then he decided to let her go for today. 

"Alright then. I'm going to cut this session short been as it's break and you've been co-operating well today. See you on Friday Dakota." He said, smiling as she got up and left the room. 

Dakota walked out of the room and headed down the hallway, passing her locker and going outside on the field to meet Matt. 

As she got out there, she realised that not many people were around, and she couldn't see Matt anywhere. 

"Calling all staff members, please report to the field right away, a fight has broken out between several students." 

Dakota heard, she looked up to see a teacher listening to her walkie-talkie. She quickly ran over towards the end of the field, and that's when Dakota noticed the hoarde of students gathered around. 

She gasped, realising that it was probably Matt who was in trouble, she quickly ran over to see what was going on. 

"Matt, please get off of him! We can end this now!" One of the teachers screamed, trying to pull Matt off of one of the popular boys. 

Dakota gasped as she realised that it was Jake who was being attacked by Matt. 

Matt's eyes seemed dark, like if he wasn't infront of so many people, he'd end Jake's life right there and then. He looked frightening. 

"Oi, 'kota. Get your greasy emo friend off Jake before I step in there and kick his ass also." Someone yelled at Dakota.

She turned her head, seeing a group of Jake's friends all watching, a couple of kids were sitting holding their heads and one was trying to stop the blood gushing from his nose. 

"Matt isn't my problem, what did you guys do to him?" Dakota asked. 

They all gave her daggers. 

"We didn't do anything. Jake simply made a comment about you two dating and your little boyfriend lost it, attacking him, so these guys tried to step in."

"He's not my boyfriend! He's my friend, and it's up to him to attack you guys, making fucking comments all of the time, no wonder he lost it." Dakota snapped. 

After a while of them squabbling, Jake broke from Matt's grip, standing up and walking over to Dakota.

"You need to watch your back. He's fucking insane, don't hang around with him." Jake said to her, making her raise her eyebrows. 

"You BOTH need to report straight to the head's office! And you Dakota, from what I've heard it has something to do with you also." One of the main PE teachers yelled at Matt, Jake and Dakota. 

Dakota raised her hands in defense. "I never did anything, I've only just got here."

"I don't care! You're all wanted in the main office right away." He yelled back. 

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