Chapter Seventeen

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A huge thank-you to the amazing lEsc_Deletel for creating me a wonderful cover for this story! 

|Chapter Seventeen| 

"Dakota, what are you doing?" Her mum asked. "Dakota!" 

The car swerves, everyone is screaming apart from Dakota - she's screaming with laughter. 

"Look Jake, you know I love you and all, but we can't be together. I'm sorry." 

"It's not you at all. It's me, I just can't be happy. You're a constant reminder of my parents." 

"NO! Dakota! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He screams, running away from her. 

"Dakota." A new voice whispers. "Wake up." 

Her eyes open, she looks next to her to see Matt, smiling at her warmly, the early morning light is creeping its way through the windows. 

"Matt." She smiled. "You actually came back." 

He nodded. "I told you I would. I love you." 

She smiled before he planted a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you too." She replied. 

Matt removed his shirt, now showing off his abs, Dakota couldn't help but trace her finger over his muscles. 

He looked down at her warmly, his black hair falling in his eyes, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. 

"I want you so badly.." He whispers in a low and seductive voice, climbing on top of her. 

She kisses him, somehow their tongues find one another, the kiss deepens itself. 

Hands moving over their backs, arms, legs, face and more. 

Clothes peeling off their bodies, screams of lust filling the air. 


"So, what happened with Matt? Did he get thrown out for good, or was it suspension?" Lana asked as Dakota and her sat down at the lunch table. 

"He was suspended because of his..problems, sometimes he can't control himself and he just loses his temper really badly." Dakota said, smiling at little at the end. "He doesn't seem too phased by it though, I mean, he honestly didn't care about it." 

Lana chuckled a little. "Typical Matt then, not giving a shit." 

Dakota nodded. "Indeed." 

Their conversation continued, changing topic every now and again, in the middle of their deep conversation about their Maths homework, someone from Jake's group ran into the dinning room, screaming at the top of his lungs. 

"Jake and his mum have been found dead!" He screamed, tears streaming down his face. "Someone turn the news channel on that TV now and shut the fuck up." 

Everyone gasped, moving around to do what he said. 

Dakota dropped her baguette onto the floor, hands shaking, tears picking at her eyes. 

"What if Matt's done something to them?" 

"No. Don't be so fucking stupid, Matt wouldn't do that, he was kind, loving and caring, he wouldn't kill somebody, even if his temper was out of control sometimes." 

"Or is it an act around you?" 

Dakota was pale, almost whiter than a cloud on a beautiful summers day. 

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