Chapter 6

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Spencer P.O.V.

Calum led us into the dining room that I used to have so many memories in. Like the many birthday celebrations, weekly dinners, even just sitting there doing our homework.

My parents sat next to the Mr. and Mrs. Hood, my mom sitting next to Joy. The only seat left was the seat in between Calum and Mali-Koa.

I sat down in my seat, smiling to Mali. She leaned over and wrapped me into her arms.

"I missed you Spencer! Why haven't you been coming over?" she asked, her head laying on my shoulder.

"Oh uh Calum didn't tell you?"

"Well he said you were always busy."

"I'll tell you what really happened later." I whispered in her ear right before Joy said that she was going to say grace.

We all started holding hands, well all but me and Calum. But, since our hands were not visible for everyone to see we left our hands on the seat of our chairs.

After grace was over, Joy and my mom went into the kitchen to get the food. Calum grabbed his phone from out of his pocket and started to type.

"Calum you should know by now. No phones at the table," David (Mr.Hood) said. Calum grumpily placed his phone back into his pocket.

"So, Spencer. You and that weird kid huh?" Calum asked, turning to me.

"What weird kid?"

"His mom is a teacher. I think his name is Lucas or something."

"You mean Luke? And he's not weird. And we're not dating. It wouldn't even matter anyways Calum."


"We're just friends, the only friend I have because my old one left." I angrily whispered.

"I was just busy with life, it's not my fault that you couldn't keep up." he whispered back, grabbing food for the both of us.

"Newsflash Calum. Life doesn't revolve around you. Maybe it's a good thing that we drifted, since I would've never met Luke. And unlike you, he can actually keep his promises." I huffed. I turned away from Calum and started eating my food, but not before I saw the look of guilt displayed on Calum's face.

Everyone looked like they were having fun. Everyone but Calum and I. My parents and all of the Hoods, minus Calum, were having a debate on who should be the next US President and where we should flee to if Donald Trump wins.

After I finished eating, I grabbed my plate and went to the kitchen to wash. Usually Calum and I would take turns on who washes the dishes, but since I haven't been here in a while I only washed mine.

I turned around to see Calum leaning in the doorway, with a small smile on his face.

"Ya know, if we were still friends it would be your day to wash all of the dishes." he said, holding out his plate for me to wash.

"Well it's a good thing that we're not." 

A/N: I'm soooo sorry that this chapter is really short, but I'll make a longer chapter next time. Can we get 20 votes?  

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