Chapter 17

363 13 13

Spencer POV
"Get whatever you want Spence, I'm about to go grab a few things so meet me right here in 5." Calum said. We were still standing at the entrance, with numerous people walking past us. He flashed me his pearly whites before grabbing a basket and running off to who knows where. I grabbed a basket as well before skipping over to aisle 7, my favorite aisle. I looked around to see if anyone was around so that no one would judge me for what I was going to do.

When I saw that no one was around, I filled my basket with Twix bars, fruit snacks, sour candies, and fruit roll ups. Once I was satisfied with my amount, I walked back over to the entrance waiting on calum.

I pulled my iPhone out of my pocket and started scrolling through instagram, liking many celebs picks and some of my friends. Luke posted a selfie and I swear I have never liked a picture so fast in my life.

 Luke posted a selfie and I swear I have never liked a picture so fast in my life

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But hey, Luke's hot so don't judge. I heard my named being yelled so I looked up to see Calum running towards me.

"Spencer run to the car!" he said before running past me. I then saw some of the stores security guards running my way so I ran after Calum to his car.

By the time I got to his car, Calum was already inside and his car was started. I quickly got in and before I could even shut the door, Calum sped his way out of the parking lot.

Once we were about 2 miles away from the store. Calum pulled over and got out, running towards the back of the car. A couple minutes later he came back with a piece of paper.

"Calum, why would you do that!" I yelled, slapping his arm repeatedly. Calum started laughing, like genuinely laughing when his eyes crinkle up and it sound like he's gasping for air. Yea, that laugh.

"It's not funny, Cal! We could've gotten arrested! And neither of us are Caucasian so our punishment would be bad! I'm not trying to go to jail bro."

"Well we could've gotten arrested, but we made it out in time. Nice job by the way, I never seen you run that fast before." he said.

"Calum they could've gotten your license plate, dumbass." I said. He then gave me the piece of paper that he got from the back of the car. I flipped it over to see the words SUCK MY ASS in bold print.

"I think we're safe Spence." he said before starting the car up again.

We then drove off into the sunset and lived happily ever after.


LOL JUST KIDDING! But this was supposed to go up on Friday but something was up with wattpad and it kept saying that it was still a draft. I might post again later this week I don't know yet. But please make sure you nominate this book for best Calum fanfic! I would really appreciate it! I also want to thank you guys for almost 700 followers! Just a couple hundred more and I'll be at 1k! Thank you all for supporting me and my stories! And I know most of you guys have been waiting for a good girls update. I'm trying to write it but I've been having major writers block for that one. But expect an update this week, even if it may be late!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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