The locker

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November 16th 2015 1:39pm
"Hey." I said as my best friend, Julia sat down with me in study hall. Sadly this was the only class we had together, and it wasn't even a class. Everyone in the school has study hall for their last period.

I saw her eye someone out and I knew exactly who that certain someone was. Jeremy, the boy she had a huge crush on and was completely in denial. "You could try going over and saying hello you know?" I said, trying to force her to come out of her shell like she always does to me.

"Him? Are you nuts? He's the biggest badass in school." She said covering her mouth afterwards, she claimed to be such a goody goody when she cursed all the time. "Yes him, now go and say hi."

"In your dreams Ally." She said. "Let's just do the math homework."

I pulled out my teal binder that had my name on it in big bold Sharpe marker. It sucked that we had so many of the same teachers, just not at the same time. "Did you start it at all?" She asked referring to the teacher giving us time to do it in class.

"No I was waiting to see if you did, it doesn't matter, but I do need to steal your calculator for a quick second."

"Sure." She got out a purple pencil pouch and handed me a TI-84 graphing calculator. I put in the first few problems as she copied down what I wrote. "Come on Jules, do the work too."

"You'd copy off of me if I had the calculator." I finished up with this problem and handed it to her. "You're right about that, now do some work."

We were done with the first 12 problems when the phone rang at the teacher's desk. Jules jumped a little, I guess that the sudden noise scared her. I just continued working on the homework, before my attention was brought elsewhere.

"Allison?" Mr. Greene asked. Everyone turned their heads to me, even Jeremy. A small part of me could see what Jules saw in him, he was a hot shady bad boy. Every girls dreams.

I was taken back to reality when he repeated my name, twice and everyone was laughing. My face turned red as I stood out of my seat. "What is it sir?" I asked walking towards his desk.

"You're being called to the principal's office immediately." He said. I felt my heart drop to the bottom of my chest, what could I have even done wrong? "Oh ok, I'll be right back then." I said taking a hall pass.

"They said for you to bring your stuff." He called after me almost as soon as the door shut, only a small part of me heard him and went back to the room to get it. Jules and I exchanged worried looks as I left the room for real this time.

There wasn't much of a distance between room 412, my study hall classroom, and the main office. However, when you feel like you're on death row, every foot felt like a mile. Repeated thoughts of things I did wrong flooded my mind, then I remembered back to last year when I was called to the main office for a reward. My spirits quickly lifted, as did my pace.

I walked into the main office and the front desk woman greeted me, "What can I do for you sweetheart?" She asked. I showed her my hall pass and said that the principal wanted to see me. A worried look brushed over her as she phoned in the principal. "She's here sir." She said.

"You can go on back now." The lady got up out of her spinny chair and opened a door that lead to the back offices. "You know which way to go?"

"Yes." I simply stated and walked to the end of the narrow hall, the principal had his door closed, what I did not expect to see when I opened it was the school's sheriff and what I really didn't expect was my mom and dad sitting across the desk. "Sit down." He firmly stated. I did as I was told.

"I think you know why you're here?" He asked. My mom and dad looked down, like they were too ashamed to see my face. "No sir I don't."

His eyes widened and he opened his desk drawer, pulling out a ziplock bag with a knife in if. "Does this look familiar to you?" I closely examined it and still had no idea whose it was. I was starting to think I wasn't here to get an award.

"I've never seen that before, why are you asking me this?" I said sounding extremely nervous, I found it difficult to breathe and focus on one thing at a time. "That isn't mine if that's what you're implying."

"If it isn't yours, then why was it found in your locker?" He asked.

"I have no idea, but why were you in my locker, how could you have known it was in there?"

"One of our janitors noticed a bag slipping out of the bottom of your locker, she unlocked it with a key so she could adjust it, when this fell off of the top shelf almost cutting her."

I thought about that, I had no bags in my locker for them to be falling out. "Do you have video proof that I did this?" I asked.

"No we do not, the security cameras run on timers and were unable to catch you putting it in, does anyone else know your locker combination?"

"No no one knows, I never tell anyone." I said truthfully, I never do tell anyone. Not even Jules knows, it's meant to be kept a secret which is exactly what I tried to do.

"Then I am afraid some sort of punishment will have to be put in affect for you, let's look at your grades and schedule to see what we can do." He typed some stuff into the computer and all of my student information was right there where everyone could see it.

"I'm confused, you're a straight A student with a 4.6 GPA. I would never expect anything like this from such a talented girl like you, and since this is only your first time offense, I am issuing that you have detention until the end of January, this will go on your record and college transcripts, and I want you to help a fellow student out."

That wasn't so bad, for being punished for a crime I didn't commit. "Who?" I asked.

"Jeremy McKinnon."

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