The band

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November 30th 2015 7:33am JEREMY'S POV
I had the song "Pittsburgh" from The Amity Affliction blaring through my headphones as I waited quietly for the damn bus to show up. There was only one other kid who was at the bus stop with me, and we never spoke a word.

The loud squeak of the bus grabbed my attention and I quickly got on, having no friends who ride it with me, I was forced to sit all by myself in the very back seat. I didn't mind it though, it was a 10 minute bus ride that I could have all to myself.

When I stepped off of the bus, it started to rain. And I didn't have an umbrella on me, so I ran ahead and into the school so I wouldn't get soaking wet, walking down the hallway where some of my real friends were waiting for me by my locker.

Two of my friends were standing there, Neil, who I was dating, and Alex who I had known since he moved here in the third grade from Nevada. "Dude here I finally have it." Alex handed me a ziplock bag, I already knew what was inside of it. Weed.

I shoved it in my back pocket, not really sure if I would need it. I didn't want to make any more of a bad impression on Ally, who probably hates me to begin with. There were only six people on this world I can connect with, and one died in Bahrain several years ago.


I walked outside to eat my lunch, it poured all of first period and then the sun came out, I guess that's Florida weather for you.

I saw Neil sitting alone at a table, he looked like such a loser when he was all by himself. I, being his boyfriend of course went over to sit with him. "Hey." I said placing my tray on the table.

"Dude, Alex never gave me weed this morning, could I have some of yours? I ran out like, right now." He asked right away with bloodshot eyes, what a pleasant way of greeting someone. "Did you pay him?" I asked.


"Stupid, that's why he never gave you any, and I'm not taking it out in the middle of the school courtyard, I'm not an idiot."

"Yes you are." I heard a female voice say from behind me, followed by another one chuckling. I turned around to face Jules and Ally. "Thanks loser." I said and motioned for them to sit down, Neil looking at me like I was crazy.

"Hey Neil." Ally said to him, he just looked at her like she was speaking German. "Neil she doesn't bite, say hello."

"Oh sorry, hey." He said sounding higher than a kite, because he was. I quickly tried to make it seem like he was tired, "Yeah Neil never gets sleep cause his neighbors dog keeps barking."

Ally nodded her head and faced me, "So why did you two decide to join us?" I asked.

"Because we're always bored sitting over there." She said and pointed down a flight of stairs to the lower courtyard.

"Yeah, and a bird pooped on our table." Jules said taking a bite of her sandwich, I chuckled. "Glad to know you guys like me more than you like bird shit."

I looked at the stairs and saw Alex, Kevin and Josh walking up them. Those three, Tom, and Neil are the only people on Earth I liked talking to, however Ally was beginning to grow on me.

I saw them look at Ally and Jules before they were even close to sitting down, they really didn't like it when people they didn't know interacted with us.

The approached the table slowly, asking the "Who are they?" question without even speaking. "Guys this is Allison and Julia." I said pointing at them. "This is Josh, Kevin and Alex, we're all in a band."

Ally smiled but Jules just continued to eat her lunch, she struck me as being rather clueless.


"Ally where are you going?" I asked her, the bell had just rung but she wasn't walking outside like the rest of the school.

"Remember Jeremy, I have detention for like the next few months."

"Oh okay, I'll go with you then." I said remembering I was given detention today from my algebra teacher for being "insolent" which was written on the paper.

I followed her upstairs and into the very familiar detention room, where some random teacher watched over us as we did nothing for an hour. Ally and I sat by the window.

We sat next to each other and when the teacher wasn't looking, we had a game of tic-tac-toe going on. Most of the time she would win because I suck at life.

I texted Tom telling him where I was and he said he would just wait another hour because he had nothing else better to do, having him basically be my brother was the best.

I tapped my pencil on my desk waiting for this damn hour to be up so I could go home, I looked over to Ally who had her head on her desk taking a nap. That was really a good idea, I never get any sleep.

The classroom phone rang which woke her up, the teacher answered it and quickly said "I have to go, you guys can leave if you want to." I honestly chose the right day to get detention.

"So Tom is driving us home?" She asked as we walked down the stairs.

"Yeah, he's my only friend who has a drivers license so he's my ride to pretty much anywhere."

We walked outside, it got really hot since lunch. We quickly ran into Tom's air conditioned van. "Dude what did you do to get detention this time?" He asked and drove forward.

"For not paying attention for the millionth time in class. I guess these teachers really think a day in detention will set me on the right path in life."

"You could start being a better student you know." Ally said to me, her being the best student in the school. Academic wise that is, not too many good girls bring weapons to school, which I know she didn't.

"You could try hushing your damn face." I said and stuck my tongue out at her, she did the same thing to me.

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