The grade

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December 10th 2015 1:50pm


I sighed in relief. "Jeremy you have no idea how happy this makes me." I said. He smiled.

"Well it's good to know that I don't have to be in high school for another two years. I think I would throw myself off of a bridge before that happens."

I looked over at Jules who wasn't paying any of us attention. "So what's going on with you?" I asked and she looked up.

"Nothing I'm just doing some homework." She said simply. I turned back over to Jeremy, "So is there any homework that you need to get done?" I asked. He sighed, "Yeah but I was just going to do it at home. I don't feel like doing it now."

"Okay well you better not fail any more tests or quizzes or else I'm coming after you." I said.

We sat around and just talked, laughing until the bell rang. I never had this much fun in study hall until I was forced to meet Jeremy. Usually I was the only one who actually did study, I don't do much of that anymore.

Jules and I walked to our lockers, it was such a handy thing to have one right next to your best friend. "See you later." she said and walked away, she had been acting different lately. Sometimes she wouldn't show up to school or she would be late, I usually just shrugged it off.

I walked upstairs into the detention room, but the door was shut and locked. There was a white piece of printer paper taped to it.

"Detention is cancelled today, go home how you usually would." It said. I felt super happy, this was the first time in about three weeks that I didn't have to stay after school for an hour.

I ran down the side stairs and out one of the emergency exits at the bottom. I walked to Tom's van because I was now out of breath.

"Hey what happened to you and detention?" Jeremy asked.

"It was cancelled for whatever reason. So I get to go home on time for once, it's been a while."

Tom started the van up. Sometimes I had a hard time believing if he stayed here the entire time, like maybe him and Jeremy went off and did something and then came back to pick me up. It felt really nice knowing that I had such good friends who would wait out here for an hour, just so I could have a ride home.

Their music blared through the speaker as we drove by my house. Sometimes Tom would drop me off or I would hang out with Jeremy at his house. It was a lot more fun being with him, because my parents have started coming home earlier again. I guess they weren't as mad at me as they were before, but my car was still locked away in the garage. I just wanted my freedom back.

Tom pulled into their neighborhood. We drove down the street that someone nearly raped me on.

"So what do you want to do now?" I asked getting out of the van.

"There's someone that I wanted you to meet." He said and dragged me into his house. There was a car in the driveway that I had never noticed before, so I guess that someone was over.

"Hello?" Jeremy yelled and his voice echoed throughout the house. I heard someone walk in from the kitchen, a woman. And she wasn't our age either.

"Oh hey Jeremy what's up?" She asked and looked at me. She was covered in many tattoos and smelled of cigarette smoke.

I followed him into the kitchen where she came from. "This is my friend Ally, the one who has been helping me out with school a lot." He said. I still had no idea who this person was until I saw a blue uniform hanging from a chair. Then I remembered that his aunt was a flight attendant and wasn't home often.

"Hello nice to meet you, I'm Jeremy's aunt." She said. I guessed right like I always do.

"Hello." Was all I said, I smiled and looked at Jeremy. I had no idea what else there was to do. So I said the first thing that came to my mind.

"I helped Jeremy not fail the eleventh grade." I said.

"So I've heard." She told me, "Jeremy texted me while he was waiting for you in the car with Tom."

I nodded my head in understanding and Jeremy pulled me away. We were going up the stairs when his aunt started saying something else. "Uh Jeremy I'm not letting you bring a girl alone with you to your room."

"Cassy I told you, I'm gay. I have a boyfriend and everything." He said and continued to take me.

"Oh yeah that's right, well I still want that door open." She said.

I followed him into his room, it was full of clutter which I could easily imagine. He had a bunch of garbage everywhere. "Jeremy you're going to get bugs if you keep living like this." I said.

"My room has been like this as long as I have lived and no other living creature that wasn't human has ever been in it."

I rolled my eyes. "Well then I hope you get an infestation."

"Well that is a terrible thing to wish upon someone. You should re think your life." He laughed. Which was ironic because it was really him who needed to re think his life.

I just laughed it off. "Well still, it even smells bad. Why would you want to live in such a mess?" I asked.

"That's why they invented this." He said and got up. He went to his closet and came back out holding a Febreze air freshener. He sprayed the room, the commercials were at least right. It did hide the smell.

"Okay then what do you want to do now?" He asked. I had to think, usually we would just sit around and sweat because he had no AC.

We decided to listen to music but we also took turns. Every other song we would each pick, of course we hated what the other one liked so eventually we got bored and he got Tom to take me home.

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